Sentences with phrase «first angry responses»

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In general it is my first time on this site and I am appalled at the vehemently (not you necessarily but other commenters) mean and angry comments in response to this article.
The group performed non-invasive brain imaging in the first 80 college - aged participants of the DNS, showing them pictures of angry or fearful faces and watching the responses of a deep brain region called the amygdala, which helps shape our behavioral and biological responses to threat and stress.
Adults who effectively manage the behaviour of angry children understand that their first principle is to manage their own response so it is predictable, consistent and empathetic.
According to the study, the first to show responses toward human emotion in animals other than dogs, horses presented with images of angry human faces displayed responses indicative of understanding.
This is the first of what will be many instances of EA having to change features in Battlefront II in response to angry feedback.
Eight months after they had begun dating, and five months after they first became sexually intimate, defendant revealed to the plaintiff that he had had a vasectomy four years earlier, and was surprised by her angry response.
Intel's first response to the initial Meltdown and Spectre rumors was an angry blog post that provided few details, and claimed «performance impacts are workload - dependent,» and that they «should not be significant» to the average computer user without even a mention of potential server problems.
In order to help your child cope with angry feelings, you first need to figure out WHY your child is getting angry, because the best response for each situation will be different.
My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry,» — James 1:19 When you first learn that someone you love has been abused in some way, primal emotional responses often flare up.
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