Sentences with phrase «first billing»

Please note, annual fee will appear on first billing statement regardless of when you use your account.
That's why at first the Bill of Rights was effective only against the Federal Government, while the States can violate your rights.
The program — which Cuomo first billed as a «freeze» on tax increases — is designed to push local governments to keeping under the state's cap on property tax increases and find ways to share services.
The Starfleet lay helpless as a belligerent new adversary made his presence known, but I too sat helpless as J.J. Abrams put forth the summer's second renowned blockbuster («Iron Man 3» getting first billing).
They preferred gestural politics like Michele Bachmann boasting that she had filed the very first bill to repeal Obamacare.
The Family First bill strengthens families by providing evidence - based prevention services to help keep children out of foster care when possible.
The legislation will be put before the Commons in the autumn and will be the Department of Energy and Climate Change's first bill under the coalition government.
Flanagan also submitted an amended version of his widely - criticized first bill; the new version maintains a one - year extension but does not include the inspector or the education tax credit.
At first billed simply as Michael Vincent, the novice actor's «official» screen debut was the 1968 western Journey to Shiloh, though in fact he'd already had a shakedown cruise, as it were, in the Mexican film Los Bandidos (1967).
One of Whitley's first billed roles was the Foreign Legion corporal in Laurel and Hardy's Flying Deuces (1939).
First Bill Clinton and then George W. Bush — both former governors with state records on education — pushed for legislation that would make standards and accountability a requirement of federal aid.
Most people will read that and conclude that the majority of Author Solutions employees work in Bloomington, Indiana because it's given first billing and comes immediately after the word «primarily.»
Sen. Will Espero's first bill died a year ago at this time, after receiving much global coverage (including this article on TreeHugger).
Provide billing support to customers to resolve billing issues for first bill explanation, sustaining valid charges, and providing account credits when necessary for billing errors
Only a renewed pledge today to bring in Britain's first Bill of Rights and scrap the Human Rights Act — delayed from last year — is likely to spark any impassioned debate.
Wildrose Party leader Brian Jean announced that if his party forms government on May 5, he would introduce an Accountability Act as the new government's first bill in the Legislative Assembly.
The very first bill that came out, came out of my committee, under my chair.»
The Family First bill would strengthen families by providing evidence - based prevention services to help keep children out of foster care when possible.
The company found its true calling in 2002, when it created its first bill - payment app.
Although President Donald Trump has said that this new version, like the first bill that was pulled from consideration, will cover pre-existing conditions, the revised law gives states broad latitude to allow insurance companies to increase rates for consumers with an existing illness.
A number of factors explain the skepticism around digital lenders, but one overriding theme is these companies might not be as disruptive or innovative as first billed, according to analysts who follow the stocks.
Even before a business's first bill is due, minority founders are disproportionately ill - prepared for entrepreneurship, thanks to a lack of intellectual and social capital in underserved communities, Kauffman researchers say.
«And so in Nevada, we did our first bill
Maybe you make your first bill larger than it normally would be.
That may appease Sens. Rob Portman and Shelley Moore Capito, both of whom opposed the first bill in part because of their lack of funding to support recovering opioid addicts.
Conservative Republicans, like Sens. Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, and Mike Lee, were unhappy that the first bill did not fully repeal the ACA.
McConnell's new bill makes some tweaks to Medicaid spending compared to first bill, but they are minor.
One of the first bills the California legislature will consider when it returns from recess in January would prohibit investors from sexually harassing founders.
When President Donald J. Trump put his name to the first bill to repeal an Obama - era federal regulation four months ago, he framed the «big signing» as part of a broader push to improve the economy and slash burdensome rules for the energy sector.
Republican Gov. Bruce Rauner already vetoed the first bill that reached his desk, which includes tax hikes, but the veto was immediately overridden by the State Senate and is now headed for the House.
The first bill, Bill C - 38, «An Act to Implement Certain Provisions of the Budget Tabled in Parliament on March 29, 2012 and Other Measures» contained 425 pages.
We started way back in 2008 and I distinctly remember our first bill of $ 34.31 — it was on my personal credit card at the time.
When you are charged an annual fee, typically it will appear as a charge to your account on your first billing statement after opening your account and each subsequent cardmember year.
The English reformer William Wilberforce, after successfully leading the struggle to abolish slavery from the British empire, sponsored Parliament's first bill to protect animals — at the same time that movements for human rights began.
According to reporting from Huffington Post, The Food Recovery Act isn't the first bill to tackle the issue, but it is one of the most expansive.
«The first bill Congress passed this year, HR - 1, is really rough on hungry and poor people,» he said.
Remember in the first bill that was put up for a vote we all had to be implanted with an RFID chip.
Paying your first bill?
O'Brien has a chance to be the first Bill Belichick decibel to enjoy a successful head coaching run.
In 2015, Tyrod Taylor was the first Bills quarterback to make it to the Pro Bowl since Drew Bledsoe in 2003.
- January 2010: Senator Ray Lesniak (D) introduces first bill that would legalize Internet gaming in New Jersey.
The Zackery Lystedt Law, the first bill Gregoire signed Thursday morning, was proposed and passed to prevent injuries like Lystedt's — or worse, deaths from similar trauma.
when you see your first bill.
«It was one of the first bills I actually voted on when I finally got seated and I found it very ironic here I was in a gerrymandered district that had been drawn by for Republican Party and here I was voting for this and I stood up and said I don't support this because it enshrines our gerrymandered districts in the constitution and it's not an independent panel.»
Clinton starts out by invoking the first bill he signed into law as president — the Family and Medical Leave Act — which Maloney not only voted for in 1993, but also has sought to expand by introducing a bill to have it cover LGBT employees and their partners.

Phrases with «first billing»

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