Sentences with phrase «first book of the series»

I'm reading a lot of historical mystery series now because I'm working in this genre which is new to me and I've bought several first books of series either for free or for a very cheap price.
I thought of the opening to Swallows and Amazons, the first book of the series.
In Left Behind, the first book of the series, Steele's wife, Irene, leaves only her nightgown and her open Bible behind in a rapture that occurs while he is away on the job, flirting with another woman.
Prior to publishing the first book of the series, Rowling was living in poverty as a single mother suffering from depression.
Having only read the first book of the series I was not prepared for various dramatic underpinings that would catapult me into this dystopian drama on so many levels of engagement.
They encourage their authors to agree to making some of their books available free in their online library (ideally the first books of series; Jim Baen was never crazy), first chapters for the month's titles are free, there's a monthly free short story, you can buy individual books as ebooks, and you can subscribe — quite cheaply, especially compared to buying them all in print — to receive each month's entire list in ebook format.
This started a month ago, and he's managed to get the first book of my series properly categorized and in the top 100 of Amateur Sleuths for over three weeks.
I only put the first book of each series in the program, and therefore, only have free promos for those first books — which makes sense, for you want readers to find their way into your series via the first book.
For the purposes of this article, we'll focus on the former: the first book of a series in a popular genre.
We all know about the effect of offering the first book of the series for free.
Promotional strategies change over time, but as of right now, the best one for a new author is to make the first book of your series permanently free.
This is the first book of a series, and want all the other books in the series to use the same font and incidental graphics.
Since then, through various other promotions, I offer the first book of my series free and I've managed to introduce my writing to new readers and create a halo effect of sales over all my books.
«The number one thing that was the biggest career changer for me was to make the first book of the series free.»
Following in the steps of the first book of the series, this one was full of twists and kept me interested the whole time.
Find out in the first book of this series.
The first book of my series is out and I don't think that would be the case if it weren't for the work these guys do.
The first book of this series, Almost Cool Girl 1, probably drives most of these sales because there are links to both of the other books in the back matter.
In the first book of your series, you have a whole series of tasks you must accomplish to set up all the books that follow.
Sales started out slow when the first book of the series was released on March 7 and steadily increased during the following two months with a peak in May.
If you write a lot, giving away the first book of a series will get you fans for the next one.
The book that I give away for free is the first book of my series, and so I don't worry so much about piracy.
The whole.99 cent / 2.99 price (also the breakpoint for higher amazon royalties) scheme is usually slapped on serial novels, with.99 being put on the first book of a series to lure people in.
In the first book of the series I had a real person attempting to find their way around the fictional world, but here I will have a fictional person attempt to find their way around the real world — potentially a much harder proposition.
This book is one of the best books I've ever read in a very long time, but you have to read the first book of this series.
What are your thoughts on an author that puts just the first book of a series on KU to lure readers in then hope they like them enough to convert to paid readers for the rest of the non-KU series?
Lyons recalls trying a free giveaway for the first time two years ago with the first book of another series, Snake Skin.
If the book is a second or sad or later book in a series, I concentrate my main efforts of marketing on the first book of the series, and then market the new book to the people who have shown interest in the first book.
The exception to this rule is for the first book of a series.
Readers also enjoy knowing what to read next if they're hooked by the first book of the series.
And you're probably right about giving just the first book of a series away.
But on balance, my take on this is that it is worth doing free promos judiciously, on the first book of a series.
Many publishers and indie authors choose to offer the first book of a series to readers at no charge — in hopes that readers will be so engaged and interested in what happens next that they will pay full price for additional installments in the series.
These are all the first books of the series and girls everywhere rave about them.
If a reader likes the first book of a series, then the likelihood is they will buy the second, and the third, and the fourth, and so on.
as a beginner author, i have found it difficult to attract attention to my first novel when i originally self - published it... i was under the impression that it being the first book of a series made it an additional hurdle... possibly, readers were not keen of buying into a series coming from an author they had never heard of...
the norm for a new author, especially one with a series (like O'Connell's) is I'll try it at $ 0.99 or $ 1.99 for the first book of the series and if I like it, buy subsequent books in the series for a higher price.
I had to make the choice after only reading the sample in the first book of each series.
Try offering only the first book of a series through KU and the rest wide and see what happens.
He collaborated with many producers from animation, games, character design industry, and was engaged in launch of entertainment projects.Published the first book of the series «The Great Adventure on the Cushion R...
Very quickly, he attracted the notice of an editor at Thomas & Mercer, who offered him a contract on the first book of his series and an option on the second book.
I absolutely loved the first book of the series, Become (which is now FREE — SNATCH IT UP!!)
By giving away the first book of the series for free, you can get new readers hooked.
With a self - published novel, the writer puts the first book of a series up, does a little marketing, and gets started immediately on the second book... and then the third.
She decided to sell the first book of the series for 99 cents to attract readers and then she increased the price to $ 2,99 for each sequel.
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