Sentences with phrase «first complementary food»

We examined the effects of beef vs. iron - fortified cereal as first complementary food on growth, zinc and iron status, development and absorption of zinc.
«While meat and fish are traditional first foods for some Aboriginal groups, the common practice in North America has been to introduce infant cereal, vegetables, and fruit as first complementary foods
«Rice cereal is a less than perfect choice for the first complementary food given to infants.
The inclusion of iron fortified baby cereals in the recommendation for first complementary foods is not a nutrient rich complementary food and should be deleted,
Dr. Frank Greer, from the Committee on Nutrition, American Academy of Pediatrics recently noted in an interview that «Rice cereal has traditionally been the first complementary food given to American infants, but «Complementary foods introduced to infants should be based on their nutrient requirements and the nutrient density of foods, not on traditional practices that have no scientific basis.»
Subjects included exclusively breastfed infants, enrolled at 3 — 4 mo of age, who were randomly assigned to either pureed beef or iron - fortified rice cereal as a first complementary food, to be introduced between 5 and 7 mo..
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