Sentences with phrase «first crop»

My wrinkles first cropped up on my forehead and in between my eyebrows.
Chefs the world over loved to riff about ingredients as inspiration, about tender leaves of fresh - picked basil or fall's first crop of apples sparking the creation of whole menus in their minds.
When you buy fruits and vegetables through our Markon First Crop (MFC) and Ready - Set - Serve (RSS) brands, you get the confidence that they have been planted, grown, harvested, and processed under the strict requirements of our 5 - Star Food Safety ® Program.
This early footage, which first cropped up at the Kapow!
The 20 - year - old Tomlinson first cropped up in the movies aged only 14, playing the younger version of Jessica Biel (opposite a similarly - youthful Aaron Johnson, as the younger Edward Norton) in «The Illusionist.»
Scary Movie 5 Might Really Be Coming: It's been over five years since Scary Movies 4 hit and rumors of a fifth film first cropped up, but it looks as though the production is finally firing up for real.
H5N1 first cropped up in Southeast Asia, causing huge fatalities in poultry.
The rumors first cropped up during the holidays when Amazon listed a variety of mystery Switch games for pre-order.
This patent filing first cropped up a year ago so it's definitely something that Apple has had on its mind for a long time now.
Instead of trying to cash in on your first crop of ideas as soon as possible, Britton says, plant as many seeds as possible.
In a letter released to the public on Monday, chemical giant DuPont Pioneer announced plans to market the first crop that uses a type of precise genetic modification called CRISPR - Cas9.
ADA calls itself the first third - generation cryptocurrency and aims to tackle scaling and infrastructure problems that first cropped up in bitcoin, a first - generation cryptocurrency that introduced the idea of digital coins, and ethereum, a second - generation cryptocurrency that expanded use cases for coins to smart contracts.
Fearing he would be placed in an internment camp during World War II, he moved to Idaho and planted his first crops in the spring of 1943.
I ran out of Strawberry Jam way back in December and I can't wait to whip up the season's first crop.
Had an abundance of broccoli in my first crop and had to make this soup.
This Cauliflower Cous Cous is chalk full of fresh green herbs and rumour has it (well - its actually true because Laurie wrote to me and told me so) that first crop local cauliflower is at the markets over on the West coast.
I managed to burn our first crop of beetroot and my favourite saucepan was a complete write - off.
Haring's business continued to grow, and in the early 1960s the company hatched its first crop of catfish fingerlings.
With acres of rich, fertile soil at their disposal, the Petersons started farming raspberries and harvested their first crop in 1988.
«I couldn't sell the first crop,» he admits.
«We produced our first crop of about 36,000 gallons under those taps,» Argyelan says, noting that the firm has three primary categories for its maple products.
Homemade applesauce is the perfect thing to make after you've gone apple - picking, or to celebrate the first crop of apples at local farmers» markets.
The first crop to be pulled out of our garden and enjoyed this year has been our endless bounty of radishes.
We are excited to taste the first crop from some of our new varietals # aquiarescoffee sounds delicious # specialtycoffee # redcatuaí
The first crop of Discovery apples hit branches on Wednesday 18th and their arrival signifies what promises to be the start of an exciting English apple -LSB-...]
Heidi: One of the first crops my husband, Richard and I planted in our first home was corn.
Part of the human diet since the Stone Age and one of the first crops to be domesticated, the... (Read more)
I know because the first crop came in a little late this year so I settled for the canned stuff to make these amazing sweet potato enchiladas (coming soon).
Einkorn was the first crop farmers grew some 10,000 years ago.
I used my three little Meyer lemons from our indoor tree's first crop.
We also recently planted our first crop of cacao in Belize, which will allow us to oversee the entire value chain, from root to bar — learn more.
First known as IRRI's Maximum Yield Experiment, the first crop of the LTCCE was seeded on 24 May 1962.
«EU farmers have just planted the first crop for 5 decades that will not face any type of market restrictions,» the report explained.
Crimson's vineyard in Washington's Horse Heaver Hills yields its first crop.
The fans need to accept that even the first crop could get burnt from pressure or expectations or injuries or heads turned.
Of course a lot of first team stars were missing from the game, whilst only the first crop of players that went to Euro 2016 have only just returned to light training.
The issue of English Votes for English Laws has endured since it first cropped up as the West Lothian Question in the 1970s.
He said the department warned the uptown farmer to stop planting last summer when they discovered the first crop.
Last month, NSF officially announced that PoLS - SRN and two other research programs would be the first crop of SAVIs.
But instead of orbiting sedately, hundreds of millions of kilometres from their stars, the first crop were frantically whirling round in close orbits, blistering in hellish heat.
Over thousands of years, these early farmers domesticated the first crops and transformed sheep, wild boars and other creatures into domestic animals.
«One of the hardest things was watching our first crop die when the drought hit.»
IN America's south east, the first crop is being gathered from Calgene's genetically engineered strain of a rapeseed plant — and along with it, the inevitable complaints that biotechnology threatens the economies of poor nations.
Cream of the Crop When the newly formed NASA enlisted its first crop of astronauts in 1959, it recruited solely from the ranks of military pilots: fearless flying men (and only men) possessed of the famous «right stuff.»
Beans from the plants are expected to show a similar decrease, but researchers won't know for sure until this first crop matures and beans are harvested in about four years.
We expect the first crop registered will be rapeseed, in Canada, within three years.»

Phrases with «first crop»

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