Sentences with phrase «first era»

She writes: «First came the unscrupulous false advertising, then the corrective of investigative journalism; first the tidal bore of broadcast television, then the corrective of the remote control; first the era of spam, then the development of filters and blockers.»
Maybe it was because of improved reading instruction in the phonics / Reading First era, or maybe it reflected improved socioeconomic conditions for children of color in the 1990s.
With a mere seven rounds available you need to be planning from the very first era, especially if evacuation goal calls for you to have three labs in place and then provides further bonus points for each scientist and breakthrough pairing.
Here's the country that created a miracle around the whole first era and they created these amazing manufacturing facilities — they call it the miracle on the Han.
And the first era was really about helping people achieve their basic, physiological, survival sorts of needs, things like food production, clothing, shelter.
Colin le Duc, a partner at Al Gore - founded Generation Investment LLP, says that in that first era of clean tech, people were «trying to shoe - horn clean tech solutions into traditional models.»
If a ban initiated by China's central bank this week marks an end to the first era of ICOs — the early gold rush before the regulators arrive — then Q2 2017 may turn out to be a peak quarter in the history of the industry.
The first era is from Abraham to David, the second from David to the captivity of Judah and the exile of the Jews in Babylon, and the third from the captivity to the birth of Jesus.
He was a major part of Chelsea's success with the long ball during Mourinho's first era and even in the recent change from route one to counter attack, we've seen him start counters with his arms.
There was also one year in the midst of the first era of CIF state playoffs in 1919 when those playoffs were cancelled due to a worldwide flu epidemic.
And a talented new generation wants to build on this first era of New Labour and create and shape its own, different New Labour era.
It spans from the formation of Earth around 4500 Ma (million years ago) to the evolution of abundant macroscopic hard - shelled fossils, which marked the beginning of the Cambrian, the first period of the first era of the Phanerozoic eon, some 542 Ma.
Yokuda was a continent west of Tamriel which sank into the sea during the First Era.
The rendered balls have a smooth look to them, so they handily outdo the first era of 3D - era consoles, but the lack of textures and shadows make everything look a little blurry and incredibly flat.
After a decade of prepping and planning, the beginning of the end of the first era of Marvel's Cinematic Universe is here in Avengers: Infinity War.
XBLIG was our first era, and it is now closing.
Dressing the children in 17th century Dutch costumes to link to the Dutch Golden Age, which was the first era that portraits of children were painted, only aids in the unusual aura of her work.
There's a general fear that China's attack on ICOs marks an end to the first era of digital token offerings.
Uptaten Towers (Lenoire Castle in the original Japanese version and Castle Lenule in the PS2 version) is a spooky tower dungeon in Dragon Quest V. Located due north of Roundbeck, it is visited by The Hero and Bianca during the first era of the game, and is said to be haunted.
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