Sentences with phrase «first eukaryotic»

The appearance of the first eukaryotic cells, around 2 billion years ago, are a clear example of symbio - genetic association between two kinds of prokaryotes that can inspire us to create another possible world.
The Synthetic Yeast Genome Project, Sc2.0, is the world's first eukaryotic genome engineering project.
We started with Xenopus rRNA because it was the first eukaryotic gene ever cloned.
The hypothesized process by which prokaryotes gave rise to the first eukaryotic cells is known as endosymbiosis, and certainly ranks among the most important evolutionary events.
As a result, they say, the origin of the first eukaryotic cell has remained «one of the most enduring mysteries in modern biology.»

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Did an ancient extinction spur the rise of photosynthesis, or the emergence of eukaryotic cells, or the appearance of the first predatory microbes?
Many of these eukaryotic genes resemble plant genes — hinting that Chlamydia's ancestors may have first parasitized plantlike microorganisms.
It is the first synthetic chromosome ever assembled from a eukaryotic organism, the type in which cells store DNA in nuclei.
The EBP would focus on the natural world, providing a better understanding of biodiversity by first sequencing in great detail the DNA of a member of each eukaryotic family (about 9000 in all) and eventually generating coarser genomes for the other eukaryotes.
«Synthetic biology is a new area that's really exciting to young scientists — to have things begin to work in this way is a sort of validation of the field,» says Pamela Silver, a professor of systems biology at Harvard University Medical School and co-author of a study demonstrating one of the first synthetic restructurings of a eukaryotic cell that is described in the journal Genes & Development.
A Snowball to Acidic Hothouse swing would have greatly added to already high evolutionary pressures from anaerobic extinctions through genetic isolation of selective survival adaptations and may have led singled - celled eukaryotic organisms to cooperate together physically and form the first multi-cellular lifeforms.
On oxygenated seafloors, the first multi-cellular lifeform (possibly an eukaryotic alga) appears to have evolved by Year 2.4 billion as the 12 - centimeter or 4.7 - inch protoctist, Grypania (more from BBC News and New Scientist).
We could fairly posit that the evolutionary origin of the eukaryotic cell was «the first time that what went around came around», a quid pro quo with among primitive organisms in deep time.
Our transgenic plants are one of the first examples of detector plants and a fully synthetic signaling pathway in a higher eukaryotic organism.
His findings suggest that eukaryotic organisms were present on Earth as early as 2.31 billion years ago, around the same time that oxygen was first present in the Earth's atmosphere.
The latest publication of the Robinson - lab (Lancaster University, UK) in collaboration with the Ettema - lab is now available online at Nature Communications, regarding the «Functional reconstruction of a eukaryotic - like E1 / E2 / (RING) E3 ubiquitylation cascade from an uncultured archaeon» — the first time that the ubiquitination cascade has been demonstrated outside of eukaryotes.
Here, we present the first report of the ~ 54 MB eukaryotic genome sequence of Rhizoctonia solani, an important pathogenic fungal species of maize, using nanopore technology.
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