Sentences with phrase «first fall asleep»

We start at stage one when we first fall asleep and also when you can wake up really easily.
When babies first fall asleep, they enter immediately into the newborn version of REM (sometimes called «active sleep»).
The most important time to use Pantley's gentle removal plan is the first falling asleep of the night.
When she first falls asleep, you notice her twitching eyes and small body movements — and you wonder what she might be dreaming about, hopeful it's about the pleasant life you have created for her filled with mother's love.
When she first falls asleep, you notice her twitching eyes and small body movements — and you wonder what she might be dreaming about, hopeful it's...
• Babies are especially easily awakened for 25 minutes (or more) after first falling asleep.
However, they enter REM sleep much sooner (about 10 minutes after first falling asleep compared to 90 minutes in humans), and they spend only 10 percent of their total sleep time in REM, since their sleep is often interrupted by activity or noise.

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«During my first presentation to investors as Home Depot's CFO, an investor on the front row fell asleep.
Winter says falling asleep earlier may be difficult in the first few days, and you may have a strong urge to nap, but you should fight it.
The first Adam fell asleep and God took from his «side» a wife / bride.
So Paul assures them:»... we who are left until the coming of the Lord, shall not precede those who have fallen asleep... the dead in Christ will rise first; then we who are alive, who are left, shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air; and so we shall always be with the Lord» (vv.
And as the greatest of the Apostles proclaimed, «Christ is risen from the dead and has become the first fruits of those who have fallen asleep» (I Corinthians 15:20).
When Paul told the Corinthians that Jesus was the «first fruits of those who have fallen asleep» (15:20), he meant that what happened to Jesus will, at his return, happen to all who believe in him.
which is buried, and the spiritual body, which will be raised (vv 35 - 50); and he says that Jesus has risen as «the first fruits of those who have fallen asleep» (v 20).
(Col 1:16) This active presence of the Son in the creative work of God is revealed fully in the Paschal Mystery, in which Christ, rising as «the first fruits of those who had fallen asleep» (I Cor 15:20), established the new creation and began the process which he himself will bring to completion when he returns in glory to «deliver the kingdomto God the Father..., so that God may be everything to everyone» (I Cor 15: 24,28).
By holding these suggestions through the evening I went to bed and fell asleep, saying: «I am soul, spirit, just one with God's Thought of me,» and slept all night without waking, for the first time in several years [the distress - turns had usually recurred about two o'clock in the night].
I had fallen asleep while watching the first...
Our loop takes us about an hour to walk, and Josh falls asleep within the first 10 minutes.
So when I woke up this morning at 4AM, unable to fall back asleep with a racing mind and pounding heart — and too burnt out to continue my ritualistic morning reading of Grist, Mother Jones, and NPR Environment — I walked out to the bookshelf and grabbed the first thing that caught my eye, which happened to be the bright orange binding of Eat, Pray, Love.
I have fallen asleep in the toilets at work (I closed the lid first) and have been late for meetings.
Portugal looked good in the opening minutes of the game, but they fell asleep and gave up the game's first big chance in the 9th minute.
Arsenal in first half fell amost asleep.
With the pick up / put down method, he was mad and sulky, but fell asleep the first night after about 90 minutes, the second night after 45 minutes, and the third night after 15 minutes.
The first night, he fell asleep after 30 mins of crying - we would check on him every 5 mins.
We were all beat from travelling our first day there and just falling asleep when the disco began at 9 and ended about 1 am and IT WAS LOUD!!!! I spoke to the Nolitours rep the next day and insisted that we be moved that day.
I've been just letting her cry it out, and it seems to be working (at first she cried for an hour straight every time), but lately it's only been about 10 — 20 minutes before she falls asleep.
If your baby starts crying, cuddle him or her first in the crib, but if that doesn't help, let your child fall asleep (or almost fall asleep) in your arms.
I fed her her first bottle just a few minutes later and she gratefully sucked away and fell asleep in my arms.
The first two naps of today, she cried about 20 -30 min before fell asleep on her own.
That day will come, but she needs to have the tools to fall asleep first.
It has been two nights, the first night he woke at 4:45 am and cried for about 5 min and fell back asleep till 7 am and the second morning he woke at 5:30 and fussed on and off for about 30 mins and fell back asleep till 7 am.
I don't know how to get her to self soothe... any ideas??? Our bedtime routine goes like this — bath first, then we lotion up and dress LO, I nurse her and she falls asleep at the breast.
Everytime gave her bottle, she turned he head away and cried like milk was a bad thing.I noticed if I fed her half awake which was during first 5 mins after she fell asleep, she would drink the same amount before she got sick.
helps babies fall asleep more easily, especially during their first few months and when they wake up in the middle of the night
During his or her first weeks your baby will probably fall asleep at your breast every time he nurses (or with the bottle).
My first child was a Tension Increaser, so I couldn't let him cry for even 30 seconds or he'd escalate for hours and never fall asleep.
When I was nursing my first in the hospital it took me being literally falling asleep talking to them for them to give him a bottle.
Now as this was T's first go at anything baking related (she didn't manage it though as fell asleep in her high chair before she got the dough) I decided it was best to use an egg free recipe for the cookies which meant when (notice I don't even attempt to say if) she ate it I wouldn't have a problem.
First, kids may learn to associate falling asleep with certain forms of stimulation — like parental soothing or a particular sleep environment.
At this age, babies develop sleep associations, so that when they get to a state of light sleep, whatever they associate with falling asleep in the first place helps them get back to deep sleep.
My daughter likes her head to be above my shoulder - first pressed against my face and then as she falls asleep she likes to put her head on my shoulder.
On Monday night for the first time ever I fell asleep while she was settling back down on my chest after a feed - I didn't even do that with Mads.
My first one is a tension increaser, who fell asleep being nursed or rocked, but if I let him cry for even 30 seconds he'd get so worked up it would take hours to calm him down.
In the first few weeks, babies tend to fall asleep at the breast when the flow of milk is slow (this slowing of the flow occurs more rapidly if the baby is not well latched on, since the baby depends on the mother's «letdown» or milk ejection reflex to get milk).
You'll never forget the first time your baby smiles at you or the first time she looks at you and calls you «Mama» or «Dada» or the times she falls asleep on your chest.
She rolled over for the first time at the encouragement of her aunt and grandma, and then promptly fell asleep, sleeping through the night.
Once the first twin fell asleep, I immediately grabbed my other twin (baby girl) and would feed her and rock her to sleep.
First im finding when putting baby down to sleep he likes a little vibrate / shake movement that I do and his paci and then he usually falls asleep.
He falls asleep just fine when i first put him in bed, but refuses to fall back asleep when he wakes in the middle of a nap, so i have to keep putting him in the swing to help him fall back asleep (I haven't had any problems at night.
I was expecting a 2 - 3 hour ordeal, but she fell asleep after 40 minutes the first night, 30 minutes the next night, and almost immediately the 3rd night.
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