Sentences with phrase «first few books»

A child's first few books open doors to new worlds, and considering how enamored children can get with mobile devices, ebooks are a great combination of things literary and digital.
A child's first few books open doors to new worlds, and considering how enamored children can get with mobile devices, ebooks are a great combination of things literary...
Amongst the first few books about breast feeding the one written by Guillemeau advised the baby to be trained for taking limited doses.
If the first few books (or first book) underperforms, that might be the only opportunity they get.
The first few books I wrote had a large comedy element, but when a reviewer brought to my attention that my books also have a dark, macabre undercurrent, I realised, in one of those light bulb moments, that what I really enjoy writing is noir — and it's what I love reading as well.
Because let's face it, unless you get really lucky with your first few books, or you're married to a spouse who can support you both, you will probably be working 9 - 5, five days a week.
Now she wasn't complaining, just sharing the reality of being an ordinary working author and the cold hard facts of the figures for her first few books — for every $ 10 paperback, she earns around $ 0.50
Three months after Amanda uploaded her first few books to Amazon, she was selling thousands of copies a month, and a year later sold the rights of her Watersong series to St. Martin's Press.
He met that goal after the first few books in his Jesse McDermitt adventures series.
Some time after the first few books in my Ava Lee series were published, I was in a conversation with an agent (not mine) when she surprised me by saying, «There aren't enough bodies in your books.
Long running series such as The Warriors don't tend to get much review coverage after the first few books, especially when multiple books are published in the same year.
You have to spend a lot of time writing and marketing those first few books.
When I bought my Kindle in March of 2010, I paid $ 6 for the first few books of the In Death series; last I checked, they're all $ 7.99 now.
Give them an idea where it's all leading to, even if it does spoil a little bit of the first few books.
That skill doesn't often happen on the first few books of an author.
I received a Kindle DX from Santa for Christmas, and I felt very tentative as I downloaded my first few books.
Write because you love it, have patience, and don't count on living the life of Richard Castle with your first few books.
I suppose you could consider your first few books as loss leaders, losing most of your rights, but that's hardly an attractive option.
Getting reviews from other bloggers, friends and family is easier with your first few books but gets more difficult if you are publishing often and every year.
The two companies have not released any names of the first few books debuting next year, but a number of authors are... [Read more...]
The first few books are sold for $ 9.99 and the later books are available for $ 11.99.
The two companies have not released any names of the first few books debuting next year, but a number of authors are confirmed — Lauren Dane, Jenna Bayley - Burke, and Alyssa Day.
I wanted my first few books to be an easy decision for readers, introducing them to my work with little risk on their part.
This is well worth your time even if you have already published your first few books
I felt that it was incredibly important to establish a name for myself early, even if it meant receiving a lower royalty rate on my first few books.
Apparently, my first few books all classed as Westerns, which to the NY agencies, were about as popular as cooties or bedbugs.
Releasing multiple books quickly can definitely be a good strategy to get started with... although I released my first few books 6 - 7 months apart (as I wrote them) and did just fine.
While my first few books have all been generic B&W history books, my next one needs to be a «coffee table» book with lots of mixed B&W and color pictures, possibly in an oversize format.
With the exception how romance usually benefits from the sweet deals, Lindsay further explains how authors have put their first few books in a series on a heavy discount when those titles are normally priced at $ 2.99 or $ 4.99 if sold individually.
I wanted to take my time, prepare a lot more, and put everything I had learned through my first few book launch attempts to use.
But you are not going to get readers for your first few books or new readers.
Ted: Barry, after your first few books had nice success, is what Amanda describing the way your experience has been re: promotion, packaging, attention, etc..?
Those first few books establish your presence and the quality of your work... and whether or not you are entertaining to readers.
The first few book editing stages (that's right, there are stages!)
The first few books I did were nothing special, trust me.
I suppose it's only fitting that each book is better than the one before, but I'm a bit embarrassed by my first few books.
It is a wonderful idea to produce special physical volumes for those who want them, but disingenuous for indie authors who are struggling to get the first few books out — especially when the reason for the struggle is a desire to maintain the highest possible standards of writing — with a single person at the helm instead of a corporation.
I never expected to from my first few books.
The whole theme of his first few books was to take risks in real estate and other investments, but incorporate so you can protect your personal assets in case your risks don't turn out.
However, after you've gone through the first few books, this one really takes it to the next level, especially when it comes to finding and evaluating individual companies to invest in.
Available in a new, larger - format series called Tales from the City, courtesy of independent publisher Hoxton Mini Press, it features the best in urban photography form around the world, with the first few books focused on London and then moving further afield.

Phrases with «first few books»

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