Sentences with phrase «first few months of pregnancy»

Although first few months of pregnancy are seemingly trouble - free, you'll soon be facing sleeping problems due to the belly bulging.
That's definitely a good thing after all the carbs and cheese I've been eating in the first few months of pregnancy.
Dear Dr. Johnson: I am in my first few months of pregnancy and during a routine visit to the obstetrician «s office, bacteria were found in my urine.
The first few months of pregnancy are interesting.
In your first few months of pregnancy, hormones flood your body.
Some spa oils may induce contractions even during the first few months of pregnancy.
For the first few months of pregnancy, you don't know the gender of your child so you are probably searching through multiple lists of baby names.
In fact, for the first few months of my pregnancy, I was adamantly opposed to the idea.
Despite everything that is going on inside you during the first few months of pregnancy, your belly may not appear any bigger until the second trimester, which starts with month four.
My special morning sickness brew The first few months of this pregnancy I was attached to the hip to my teapot and special brew.
My family and my husband's family were thrilled, so the guilt of not feeling happy about a baby started in those first few months of my pregnancy.
They also breastfed, as I have, for at least the first few months of pregnancy, with one mother initiating weaning, one toddler weaning spontaneously and the other two continuing after their new siblings were born.
Most expecting parents spend the first few months of pregnancy trying to guess what the baby will b...
Most expecting parents spend the first few months of pregnancy trying to guess what the baby will be, and wondering which parent the newborn baby will look like.
After the first few months of pregnancy, your milk supply will probably diminish somewhat, and the taste of your breast milk may change as well.
The esophagus forms during the first few months of pregnancy as a long continuous tube connecting the mouth to the stomach.
While I would have preferred not feeling awful for the first few months of pregnancy,
«Becky helped me through my acute anxiety during the first few months of pregnancy.
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