Sentences with phrase «first global analysis»

In their study, the researchers produced the first global analysis and relatively fine - grained mapping of all the large mammals (with a body weight of at least 10 kg) that existed during the period 132,000 - 1,000 years ago — the period during which the extinction in question took place.
Researchers at Aarhus University have carried out the first global analysis of the extinction of the large animals, and the conclusion is clear — humans are to blame.
In the first global analysis of extinctions during the Pleistocene geological epoch, Sandom et al. found that the expansion of humans out of Africa most likely caused the extinctions over the past 100,000 years.
In a study published in Nature Genetics, researchers from Uppsala University present the first global analysis of genome variation in honeybees.
The researchers, who spent more than three years sampling plankton on the research schooner Tara, have unveiled the first global analyses from the Tara Oceans consortium in five reports in the 22 May issue of Science.
We have developed new tools to explore VNN1 expression in human tissues and completed a first global analysis of VNN expression and function in tissues from patients.
This isn't the first time we've heard about this, but it is the first global analysis of how much carbon is stored by seagrasses: According to new research, publish in Nature Geosciences, seagrasses can store up to twice as much carbon per square kilometer as above ground forests.
We present the first global analysis of the costs of abating the estimated 76 million tonnes of methane emitted worldwide each year in oil and gas operations, which suggest that 40 - 50 % of these emissions can be mitigated at no net cost, because the value of the captured methane could cover the abatement measures.
The first global analysis of the whole of 2016 has confirmed last year as the warmest on record and saw the planet near a 1.5 °C warming
The first global analysis of the whole of 2016 has confirmed last year as the warmest on record and saw the planet near a 1.5 °C warming, according to the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S).
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