Sentences with phrase «first indicator»

A good first indicator that you may be dealing with one of the bad seeds is if they guarantee results on any settlement, DUI charge or even family court results.
The draft Charter FIRST indicators, which are proposed to go into effect in 2020, expand the topics reviewed as a part of a charter school's annual financial evaluation.
So, panting is a good first indicator that something could be wrong.
The first indicator comes from the gold futures market and uses data from the Commodity Futures Trading Commission.
Declining health is the first indicator that your chosen profession is not right.
While it's convenient that LinkedIn provides a general message for each request, it can be the first indicator that you requested to connect with someone without putting much thought into it.
PMI surveys are the first indicators of economic conditions published each month and are therefore available well ahead of comparable data produced by government bodies.
He believed that art is one of the first indicators of where a culture is going, and what a society thinks and feels.
That was always my first indicator that something wasn't quite right with the pregnancy — my body quietly returned to normal and so I quietly began to grieve.
With new manager Ernesto Valverde in charge, Barcelona have looked fragile over the two legs since the loss of Neymar, with this tell - tale sign from Messi being maybe the first indicator that all is not well inside the Nou Camp.
It was the first indicator, the only notice to the entire league that this season the Carolina Panthers would be a force and that cornerback Josh Norman, relatively unknown outside Charlotte, would become more than just No. 24.
Most women are beyond excited when they first find out they're pregnant, even if the first indicator was some nausea or another not so subtle side effect.
Causes and Remedies for Lower Back Pain in Early Pregnancy Most women are beyond excited when they first find out they're pregnant, even if the first indicator was some nausea or another not so subtle side effect.
Coughing, sneezing, sleeping at odd times of the day in funny places, and a runny nose will be your first indicators.
The policy's omission from the Queen's speech, which outlined the legislative programme for the parliamentary session of 2017 until 2019, was the first indicator that the plan had been put on the back burner.
The policy's omission from the Queen's speech, which outlined the legislative programme for the parliamentary session of 2017 until 2019, was the first indicator that the plan had been put on the backburner.
He said the first indicator of that trend was Martha Coakley against Scott Brown in Massachusetts, where «angry Catholic voters» who are seeing their savings disappear are angry.
Their results show that the first indicators of a mass extinction were evident as early as 700,000 years prior to the actual event.
For most patients — including actor Patrick Swayze, who died this week as a result of this aggressive malignancy — abdominal pain, weight loss and jaundice are the disease's first indicators, and their onset usually occurs after the cancer has metastasized, erasing any possible benefit of surgery.
But the new plant, identified as Pandanus candelabrum, is the first indicator species for diamond - bearing kimberlite, says Stephen Haggerty, a researcher at Florida International University in Miami and the chief exploration officer of Youssef Diamond Mining Company, which owns mining concessions in Liberia.
I think the key finding that they have published already, is that they have found that there is certain cell type in the retina, in a certain area of the retina, that may act as the so - called «canary in the coal mine» and be the first indicator that something is going wrong in glaucoma.
Ketoacidosis symptoms might be the first indicator that someone might be suffering from diabetes type 1.
One of the first indicators of zinc deficiency are bleeding gums and gingivitis.
Standard blood tests look at blood sugar, among other things, but leave out one of the first indicators of prediabetes: insulin.
If you really think about it, when you get stressed and overwhelmed, your choice of clothes and makeup are one of the first indicators, you trade heels for more comfortable flats, or you forget to put on blush.
It's also important to review your credit report to be sure there are no errors — it can be one of the first indicators that you may have been victim of identity theft.
One of the first indicators of social rejection is that people you text take a long time to text back.
The photo you post is the first thing that attracts someone to your profile — and it's also the first indicator of your personality.
Every time we join a fictitious dating service the first indicator that the site is fake is when we start getting email after email shortly after registering on the site.
This is your first indicator that Sleeping Dogs doesn't expect you to pay any more than token attention to role - playing an undercover officer.
The first indicator that Catwoman is in the wrong hands — the director goes by one name.
A change in student actions / behaviors is the first indicator to the teacher that the change in curriculum is having an impact on learning.
What remains to be seen, however, is whether this personal support of grammar schools will translate into national policy, and May's choice of education secretary could be the first indicator of a decision in this area.
What are the first indicators that student goal setting is impacting student achievement?
Hybrid This early 2010 model was one of the first indicators that an American car company could compete, and win, against the Japanese in the critically important arena of fuel - efficient and environmentally friendly vehicles — neither of which had previously been a Detroit strongpoint.
The first indicator is the model logo in black on the door sill guard.
The first indicator that I had misjudged the beast was its stopping power.
The first indicator that the Volkswagen Passat CC is a very different Passat is that it doesn't share a single body panel with the «regular» version.
The first indicator of BMW's renewed performance mindset requires an x-ray scan of the sedan's figure.
This is our first indicator that, despite its sporty looks, the 200C may not be a particularly sporty car, but we'll get back to that.
The first indicator that Barnes and Noble was abandoning the Nook was when they cancelled their agreement with Microsoft to sell e-books on the Windows platform to customers in Europe.
It may also be the first indicator that something is wrong and further investigation is necessary in regard to financial criminal activity.
It may also be the first indicator that something is wrong, and if there is a problem, either with your own credit or identity theft that is affecting your credit, regular monitoring of reports will ensure that you catch on early.
Bad breath (halitosis) is one of the first indicators your Schnauzer is developing a mouth problem.
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