Sentences with phrase «first initial feeling»

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His initial feeling is that the global economy is experiencing its first synchronised downswing since 1982.
Although the first five months were very difficult and then you get past that and you really build a family and kind of feel rooted in the culture and you get that base, but the initial beginning was hard.
Rather than, as usual, assign the hybrid prehension of God to the first phase, with the conceptual derivation in the second phase (which would deprive the initial phase of simple physical feeling of any guidance by the subjective aim), we should think of these two terms as referring to the same feeling.
In the first place, Whitehead claims that the initial phase in concrescence contains a multiplicity of simple physical feelings.
The next thing we should notice about the first subphase of the initial phase of concrescence is that Whitehead holds that all actual entities in the actual world of a new occasion have to be felt by some simple physical feeling (PR 41 / 66, 239/366).
Accordingly, the first subphase in the initial phase of an actual entity's concrescence is composed of feelings of all actual entities in its actual world.
Now we come to the important question: How are the initial data in the actual world felt by the new actual entity during the first subphase of its initial phase of concrescence?
In the first phase of concrescence, eternal objects are felt as embedded in the particular actual entities which form the initial data.
It is important to realize that a simple physical feeling does not choose the perspective of its initial datum independently of the perspectives chosen by the other simple physical feelings which belong to the first phase of concrescence.
On the first week, the group's leader asked us to share our initial feelings / thoughts about the Holy Spirit.
Basically I think now that the argument (EWM 211 - 19) needs to be developed in terms of two stages, the first concerning the reorientation brought about by conceiving an initial phase of simple physical feelings in concrescence, and then a second stage introduced by the idea of «subjective aim.»
The way I felt after I first started using spirulina helped me get past the initial strong flavor in no time, and I find that's typically the case with other people who love this amazing food, too.
You will be able to see that they are sucking and then swallowing the milk while they are breastfeeding, you will not have any nipple pain after the first initial «ouchy» pain some mums feel in the early days, and your baby will show signs that they are getting enough:
If you're feeling a bit sentimental, you have to read Kurtzman's post «This Magical First Year,» which celebrates her initial year of motherhood.
But, those feelings of fullness or that typical initial feeling of fullness goes away after the first few weeks.
Following the birth of my first child, after working through the initial difficulty of learning to breastfeed and wincing through the pain of cracked and blistered nipples, I realized something wasn't right about the way I felt about breastfeeding.
Studies show that not everyone falls in love at first sight with their baby; after an initial wave of maternal feelings, they can subside and then remerge around 6 weeks.
They're losing weight and you're all kind of obsessed about that initial birth weight and then so to hear like ones to you, like all my babies were born in a hospital, so once I left the hospital, it's kind of like, well, they weighed less now and I really did have that 10 % in my head a lot because I didn't want to have to do formula, and so I just felt like it was, this weird challenge with my body like, can my body create enough colostrum to be able to support this, and what's going to happen over the next couple of weeks, you know, they going to tell me if this first pediatrician appointment that I've got a supplement.
ELISHA: When I first heard lactivist my initial feeling were someone that supports breastfeeding moms.
Most mothers do not feel any breast changes in the first day, and after an initial sleepy period, most babies become very interested in feeding.
Given the large orbital eccentricities of these two objects (which move beyond 500 AUs of the Sun), some astronomers have argued that they were likely to have been strongly perturbed by a massive celestial object (which is unlikely to have been Neptune as they do not come close enough to feel its gravitational influence) such as the passing of a rogue planet (perturbed from its primordial orbit by the gas giants of the inner Solar Sylstem) or one or more passing stars, which could have dragged the two objects farther out after initial orbital perturbation by Neptune or as part of a «first - generation» Oort Cloud.
It might feel uncomfortable at first, and, sure, you might even giggle from the awkwardness, but the benefits far outweigh that initial uncomfortable feeling.
«Expect that it will feel weird at first, but like getting into a pool, it's usually just the initial shock,» says Chansky.
TSH will go high as the thyroid gets depleted, but in the initial attacks, in the first year or so, you may feel more hyper - symptoms even though it is a hypo — Hashimoto thyroid mechanism that's happening.
The way I felt after I first started using spirulina helped me get past the initial strong flavor in no time, and I find that's typically the case with other people who love this amazing food, too.
Although grateful for the initial diagnosis from my first doctor, I am left with the feeling that he had no interest in curing my disease; that I would not be a continuing revenue source for him if I got better.
«At my initial session with Joseph, I felt for the first time, that I was truly seen.
It was greasy at first but once it soaked in it actually dried out my face: (which is a shame because I love the scent and the initial feeling when I put the product on.
With that, part 1 starts off with how we met, the taboo nature of it all, and our initial feelings and communications leading up to our first date.
This seems to be an apt summary of the situation — the initial power of emotion and passion of feeling deemed «love at first sight» is perhaps not love itself but the initiator of the forthcoming love.
I first of all grieved the loss of my ex-husband, not waking up beside him, not hearing him say my name each day, not feeling his familiar kiss on my lips, but once the grief of the initial loss subsides you grieve other things too.
The first step is an initial consultation where we discuss your dating history, your lifestyle and your preferences in an ideal mate.We offer a six month matchmaking package if we feel confident that we can introduce you to quality matches.
The site offers you a unique opportunity of the first letter free translation that saves you on sending money for translations of the further letters if you don't feel any further interest in the lady after the initial letter.
Nevertheless, I know that some of you feel frustrated during the initial uphill battle of getting the first few members to sign - up.
Of course, I was ruined after that with console controllers and with my first initial amount of D2 gameplay during the PS4 review process, but I never forgot how comfortable it felt to play with a mouse / keyboard.
The first third of In Her Shoes, when the initial story is being introduced, moves very slowly and feels awfully familiar.
The first hour and 15 minutes or so feels like an entirely different movie, removed from its final act and coming off like its own film, separate from its initial story.
Russ (scatterthought): I enjoyed my first brief play of versus mode, but it didn't really feel like my choices in wordy games impacted the actual gameplay aside from the initial «make it more or less difficult».
After an impressive initial reaction to the first turn of the wheel, the car then leans into the suspension as loads increase, which inevitably makes it feel like the front end is running away from you a little.
Another feel - good story for mainstream brands is Kia, which claimed fifth with 122 PP100 in the VDS after claiming first in JD Power's 2017 Initial Quality Study.
Sure, it couldn't completely shake off the feeling that it is a utility first and foremost — think busy ride in the rear, tepid initial throttle response and a heavy duty premise to the controls — but it imbues the driver initially with steering that is full of weighting and feedback, along with disc brakes at each corner.
Braking powerful and feel and control are excellent... past the first bit of initial brake pedal travel.
The initial reaction to the first announcement of Self - e was mixed from two camps, first from self - published authors who felt the sting of someone suggesting that their work needed to be curated in the first place, but then also the critics of indie works who lauded the idea that they wouldn't be inundated with what they perceived to be low - quality works.
The initial tests are positive, and those who have subscribed for the update will be the first to have a feel of the latest Android version on the tablet.
Feel free to report your experiences (positive or otherwise) back to Mark Coker of Smashwords at first initial second initial at
The initial bankruptcy consultation is a first meeting, usually lasting between 30 - 60 minutes, in which your bankruptcy attorney gets a feel for the financial...
From the first phone conversation to our initial visit, everything felt right.
These were mostly my initial feelings when playing the first «Life Is Strange» episodically told tale by Square Enix and Deck Nine.
When I first fired up the game, my initial thoughts were that this looks and feels a lot like last years game.
The initial rush of childish glee was slightly tempered by the caveat that only a large handful of first party titles would be available to play, which felt a little like your mum saying «you can any treat you like from the supermarket (Yay)(long pause)....
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