Sentences with phrase «first inoculations»

All our cats and kittens are spayed / neutered and tattooed (or microchipped if they came to us altered but not tattooed), and they have their first inoculations.
It's your baby's first inoculation.
Not to mention an increase in the rate of C - sections, which means baby doesn't get the first inoculation of bacteria in the birth canal needed to build a healthy microbiome and immune system; a lack of breast feeding that colonizes a baby's gut flora; and unknown implications of so many vaccines in the first year of a baby's life.
It is to be hoped that in this vaginal passage there are more beneficial microbes than non-beneficial, as a large amount of our first inoculation comes from this passing through the birth canal.
We credit Edward Jenner (a British doctor) for discovering vaccines in 1796 when he successfully tested a vaccine for cowpox but the troublesome fact is that that China recorded the first inoculation (smallpox) in 200 BC.

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It was the first mass military inoculation in history — and it worked.
Buffett says value investing is a quick inoculation — you either get it in the first 10 minutes or you don't.
The consequence of understanding things the first way is that the cross becomes God's inoculation for His sin allergy.
Although the distribution of «responsibility» for reproduction and toxin production defines the range of outcomes available, the decisions made by individual members of the toxin - producing strain during the first few hours after inoculation of the culture determine the actual result of each competition.
William B. Coley, M.D., a renowned surgeon at Memorial Hospital in New York, first attempts immune - modulating therapy for cancer with the inoculation of sarcoma patient Signor Zola with cultures of erysipelas.
He performed the first of these inoculations in 1891, on a patient named Zola, an Italian immigrant with a tumor «the size of a small hen's egg» in his right tonsil, who likely had only weeks to live.
By eating fermented foods, you control the bacteria that gets into your food, and you select only the good strains, by inoculation, or by controlling the fermenting medium, (saltiness, temperature, etc...) So when you eat fermented food, you feed the probiotics first, then you put them in your body, and you only feed that good bacteria.
This first exposure and subsequent inoculation is thought to modify risk of a whole variety of health conditions.
This is particularly relevant for new teachers, who need intensive inoculation in their first years of teaching from the stressors and challenges of the profession.
Buffett says value investing is a quick inoculation — you either get it in the first 10 minutes or you don't.
If you decide to take your Shih Tzu to a puppy training class once he has completed his inoculations, check out the class first, without your puppy.
First, it is valuable for the puppy's new owner, so they can continue where you stopped, but also for you so the owner knows every medical activity about this puppy and can't turn around in few years saying you did not do this test or that inoculation.
A preventative inoculation is the best protection, the first of which should be given when the cat is eight weeks old.
Eight - week - old puppies should have had their first set of inoculations and you should be given documentation of this.
«We propose an investigation of the epidemiology of Pseudomonas otitis, and the data generated will be used to address two primary hypotheses: first, that the source of P. aeruginosa in canine otitis is the environment (most likely water and other fluids); and second, that the human companions of these dogs are the vehicles through which transmission / inoculation occurs.»
Inoculations against typhoid, hepatitis and tetanus are advisable but consult your GP or travel clinic first.
She was one of the first Russian rulers to help the poor, and was also the first leader to initiate a large scale inoculation program when in 1768 she immunized herself and her subjects against smallpox.
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