Sentences with phrase «first intervention»

Global Witness» first intervention in Uganda highlighted these concerns to the country's international donors.
Half of them received the Housing First intervention, and half of them did -LSB-...]
Summary: (To include comparison groups, outcomes, measures, notable limitations) This study examined the efficacy of the Families First intervention for court - referred youth.
The speech today marked Blair's first intervention in the election campaign.
The first intervention usually causes the next, and the next.
It is from that first intervention that all others follow.»
«The first intervention in natural childbirth is the one that a healthy woman does herself when she walks out the front door of her own home in labor.
I believe that when the first intervention in labour occurs, more and more interventions are likely to keep on happening.
12:03 - Now Glen's actual question - and the first intervention from John Bercow.
The call from the bishop marks the first intervention by the Church of England in the row, following an outcry from human rights campaigners.
«Morgan's first intervention is more headline chasing from a Tory government failing to focus on the most important thing in education: delivering a world - class teacher in every classroom,» a Labour source said.
It is the first intervention by a centre - right group into the ongoing row, which had until now been dominated by religious figures, human rights campaigners and centre - left MPs and peers.
Labour veteran Dennis Skinner made the first intervention of the debate, comparing Green to disgraced tycoon Robert Maxwell.
The former prime minister made his first intervention on the issue since the referendum campaign, suggesting that the public could yet change their mind on Brexit as the picture becomes clearer.
10:19 - Leveson's first intervention.
He made his first intervention in the heated referendum campaign in an interview with The House magazine.
This is the first intervention using human - based simulation that gives these adults repeated practice and feedback on their interviewing skills.
Women enrolled in Intervention 2 received the same care as the first intervention, as well as education about contraceptives through an online media campaign.
Some doulas and midwives believe the moment you step into the hospital and put on their gown, you've had your first intervention.
Specific probiotics may modulate early microbial colonization, which represents the first intervention target in allergic disease, together with their ability to reverse the increased intestinal permeability characteristic of children with atopic eczema and food allergy.
There was a significant increase in waist - to - hip ratio and in fasting glucose from the first intervention to the last intervention, with a rise in waist - to - hip ratio from 0.92 ± 0.06 to 0.93 ± 0.05 (P = 0.001) and in fasting glucose from 4.45 ± 0.45 to 4.83 ± 0.31 mmol / L (P = 0.004).
LDN was one of the first interventions that I tried on my thyroid journey back in 2009.
To our knowledge, this is the first intervention study showing that consumption of a fruit as a lipid source with carotenoid - rich foods enhances carotenoid absorption in humans.
In the above example, the student did not make much progress with the first intervention and the team's evaluation was that a different intervention was needed.
For example, if the student's reading rate is at goal, but his or her reading accuracy is below 95 %, then the first intervention should target reading accuracy.
Individual behavior plans, or IBPs, are one of the first interventions teachers make when supporting a student who's had chronic behavior issues.
Literacy Navigator ® is the first intervention program that helps students navigate the texts found in their content - area classes.
The first intervention was conducted in a district with a high percentage of Latino English language learners in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas.
The first intervention is «mastery learning,» whereby classroom teachers collect feedback on what their students know by having them take formative assessments.
RTI does not specify the interventions that a school must use but endorses increasingly intensive instruction — from Tier 1 to 3 — if the first interventions do not prove effective.
Scattered across the Grunewald nature reserve on the Western outskirts of Berlin, the first intervention of Stoneroses — an ongoing project by Santiago Taccetti and Mirak Jamal in collaboration with Center for Project Space Festival Berlin - is subject to the same conditions.
«The terrace of Hänsel and Gretel» by Federico Herrero created in collaboration with Andrés Jaque, is the first intervention of the program «La Casa», a program of artistic experimentation, site specific, which is carried out in spaces of La Casa Encendida (Madrid).
The first intervention in the Plenary dealing with Item 4 came from China.
Advocates for the Rule of Law is proud to announce that it has completed its first intervention at the Supreme Court.
The first intervention component helps caregivers to re-interpret children's behavioral signals so that they provide nurturance even when it is not elicited.
Pre-birth interventions The first intervention requires a general mapping process in social welfare systems:
Surveys will be administered following the patient's first meeting with their radiation oncologist, following the first intervention delivery and prior to planning, following the second intervention delivery, following the first treatment and following treatment completion.
The first intervention below is designed to help a couple begin preparing for conflicted negotiations.
The first intervention is a protective parenting curriculum, ADVANCE (Acknowledging Domestic Violence and Navigating Child Protection Effectively), that is designed to promote positive and protective parenting while also taking into account the unique challenges and barriers that victims of domestic violence experience.
In the period between the home visit and the first intervention session the intervener carefully reviews the videotape and prepares comments on the children's and caregiver's behavior on the video.
The Liberal government announced its first interventions in the housing market last December, introducing higher down payments for insured mortgages on the portion of a home priced between $ 500,000 and $ 1 - million.

Phrases with «first intervention»

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