Sentences with phrase «first labor»

I had a peaceful first labor in hospital with epidural.
There's a lot of literature that says the average first labor is 12 hours but if I've said it once... babies never read that literature.
So if you had a disastrous first labor, it doesn't mean subsequent ones will be just as bad.
I only know the difficult first labor I had and I'm having a hard time encouraging myself that it could be different this time around.
Actually only about 30 percent of people start labor with their water breaking and the average length for first labors is 24 hours, not 24 seconds.
At first they labored out of an apartment bedroom.
I'm a nurse (a very crunchy one) so I was fully aware of how long first labors typically last.
After a quick first labor, Melissa was ready for another fast one, only to find that this time, her labor was slow moving.
The point is, first labors take a long time.
He vocalized with me during my entire first labor which helped me feel confident to make as much noise as I needed.
«First labors tend to be a lot longer than second labors,» says Penny Simkin, doula and author of The Birth Partner: A Complete Guide to Childbirth for Dads, Doulas, and All Other Labor Companions.
First laboring on my bottom, then leaning over the side.
As counterintuitive as it sounds, my drug - free third labor was far more comfortable — and empowering — than my epidural - assisted first labor, or my narcotics - assisted second birth.
Press release: CPS fails to negotiate fair contract to prevent first labor strike in 25 years.
She was so encouraging and loving through my long first labor and stuck it out through the long hours like a trooper, always with a smile on her face and a soft touch to encourage me.
I say this very carefully but my cousin recently endured a very hard 2nd birth after her midwife told her to cut back on herbal supplements, evening primrose oil, and red raspberry leaf tea do to a quick first labor.
This includes through the first labor dispute under any free trade agreement to ensure Guatemalan workers can exercise their rights under Guatemalan law.
In 1918 the first labor union was formed.
When the first labor contract between the owners and the players was agreed to in 1968 — 14 years after the Major League Baseball Players Association was formed as the representative of the players — the owners insisted that collusion be against the rules.
«During my first labor, my epidural didn't take.
During my first labor, I should have rested but I didn't and guess what?
One evening, 27 weeks into my pregnancy, I had been sitting on a birthing ball in our first labor and delivery class.
When Maria got to the house, I could still focus enough to «think my body open» during contractions, something very different from my first labor with Lev when contractions were a frightening, clenching moment, a moment when I had no control.
Instead of grimacing in pain as I did during my first labor, I visualized a flower opening as the hard contractions bore down upon me.
Having had a failed epidural during my first labor, I was determined to have an unmedicated birth the second time.
Sometimes people will tell you your first labor will take forever, but tell that to my friend who's baby was born at home in her bathroom!
She was a remarkable woman and I was glad I was going to be her first labor and delivery that she witnessed.
My first labor was only 12 hours, start to finish, so this really shocked us all... Delivered that way [half squat] with my midwife supporting my perenium.
Since my first labor was so quick, she wanted us to let her know early - she'd rather nap on our couch than miss his birth.
She recommended a very * alternative * birth education class prior my first labor.
I think knowing that made the pain in my first labor less frightening early on.
Besides, these pains were so low down, and my first labor's pains had been much higher up, so it couldn't be labor could it??
After all, my first labor had been a whopping 40 hours long, so a quick second labor definitely wasn't on my radar.
Love reading your story, it gives me hope that my first labor will be a good one I am praying for that!
In fact, because of it, I'm going to counseling to just deal with any past issues that might have affected my first labor (ended up with a 4th degree tear, but lovely home water birth besides).
I definitely think it contributed to my mental and physical undoing and unplanned epidural during my first labor.
In fact, had my first labor lasted any longer, my midwife was planning on recommending an epidural for me.
My first labor was 28 1/2 hours, and my second was 7 1/2 hours.
I didn't have nausea with my first labor, and I can say it was one of the most unpleasant parts of the whole experience.
For many women, their first labor is generally fairly slow.
After my first labor and delivery, I don't think I'm a good candidate anyway.
«I just went through my first labor.
With my first labor, I had contractions five minutes apart, lasting for over one minute, for 8 hours and I still wasn't ready to go to the hospital.

Phrases with «first labor»

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