Sentences with phrase «first lets»

First lets talk about the shoes... super fun.
First lets talk about this belted ruffle plaid skirt....
But, first lets me look once again:) when I got back to town... Happy Friday you angles..
Ok first lets start by saying, this sweater is amazing!
We can hardly wait to see what you have to share this week but first lets visit the posts you viewed most last week...
First lets check out what your host blogs have been up to this past week!
But first lets talk about,, bingo wings».
But I'm proud I made the decision to do that cos right now I feel spanking new and ready to go on another work clock marathon cos the party never really stops and indeed we never want it to stop so I'm back in full swing with fresh new ideas and inspirations I can't wait to share with you but first lets start with that one earring thing I'm currently loving especially in this dark cozy space where I shot this post.
I find that putting the frozen fruit in first lets the machine blend them up a bit easier.
I promise a post about our trip will be coming soon, but first lets bake some bread, shall -LSB-...]
But first lets clarify, «all muscle fibers» do you mean all types of fibers - fast twitch, slow twitch.
First lets get this out of the way.
The Dukan Diet has four phases the first lets dieters eat as much protein as they want, the second lets dieters eat protein and vegetables, and the third lets dieters add starches, fruit, cheese and bread.
I promise a post about our trip will be coming soon, but first lets bake some bread, shall we?
This is exactly how those TSA dogs are trained: the TSA agent first lets the dog have a nice long sniff of the contraband so it can know what it smells like.
First lets talk about how plants can influence climate — directly through carbon, directly through energy fluxes, and indirectly through various channels.
The free version (example to the right) first lets you choose a bill to oppose or support.
First lets start with, I hate putting baby stuff together... It takes forever and all I want to do is use the product.
First lets talk about, this is a juvenile, not an adult.
Team Mordini (Sushi Kushi Too)-- 50 pts — First lets the stage how both teams got here..
First lets Congratulate the new 2014 Champaign League Dodgeball Tourney Champs — Team SAE 17s (Cookie Jar)!
But first lets take look how the premier league UK TV rights deal was sold and what is expected from oversees deal.
First lets start by making a flax egg by adding 4 tbsp of water to the ground flax seeds in a small bowl.
First lets make a compound herb butter.
He REPENTS in Job 42:1 - 6, but first lets go to Job 1:20 — because of the calamities in his life.
Then recall the words in which Dickens first lets us glimpse the figure of Harold Skimpole: «He had more the appearance, in all respects, of a damaged young man, than a well - preserved elderly one... there was an easy negligence in his manner... which I could not separate from the idea of a romantic youth who had undergone some unique process of depreciation.»
ok wow — first lets just start with saul is the predicessor to david, the mythical king david whom jesus is supposedly kin to!!!
First lets download a
Going into a meeting without first letting people know about its scope will only result in sub-optimized decisions and endless questions that should've been answered beforehand.
But first let's explore what she considers the biggest mistake entrepreneurs make when pitching their products: failing to meet directly with a buyer.
Researchers first let a (clearly small and unscientific) panel of teens and tweens take a crack at the terms as provided by Instagram.
First let's look at this new kind of change; then let's examine your head.
Mr Cuban, first let me say that I applaud your willingness to help others achieve success, even if I question the method.
First let me commend you on taking another risk.
But first let's go back two years to spring 2015.
But first let's set the scene as to why and when you'd want to use keyword planner in such unorthodox manners...
But first let's look at the basic differences between stock deals and cash deals.
Well, first let me say that I can't believe you made it all the way down here to this section.
But first let's look at what the Bank had to say about the economic picture going forward.
First let's define some data, when I say Oil I am referring to the WTI Crude Futures, Continuous Contract # 1 and for the U.S.D. I am using the Trade Weighted U.S. Dollar index (
So first let's take a look on important factors that we'd know before investing in bitcoin:
First let's get some things straight.
First let's look at the Crowder assault.
First let me say I'm a red bl.ooded american male and have watched many's in my life.
First let's explain how what you said means nothing to me example.
Mark, first let's see just what kind of evidence you would accept as definitive.
You might find this offensive, so first let me apologize in advance, because that's not my intention.
Lord; but first let me say farewell to those at home.»
He said «First let us make the younger generation good pagans and afterwards let us make them Christians.»
First let me say, great stuff David!
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