Sentences with phrase «first letter drop»

Don't use the special, fancy first letter drop caps at the beginning of a chapter like you see with so many novels.

Not exact matches

Probably not the first, but one of the most recent: Pulling up to the post office in my van just to drop a letter in the outside blue box, something I would normally just hop out and do myself... instead I unbuckled my four year old and let him get out to do it.
Don't do fancy drop caps or the like for that first letter.
The «Body - First» style has a built - in drop - cap rule — I didn't have to style those letters separately, but simply added the «Body - First» style to the first body paragraph in each chaFirst» style has a built - in drop - cap rule — I didn't have to style those letters separately, but simply added the «Body - First» style to the first body paragraph in each chaFirst» style to the first body paragraph in each chafirst body paragraph in each chapter.
first create the declaration, then enclosed the desired letter (s) in tags: < span class =» dropcap» > T Example of a letter drop caps on Kindle Previewer HTML

< span class =» dropcap» > H ow to create a drop cap for your ebook.

This might include fancy fonts, drop caps (the oversized letter that's sometimes used in books to begin the first word of a chapter), justified text (meaning that each line of text goes all the way to the right margin), and so on.
A drop cap means that the first letter in the paragraph is bigger and takes up two or three lines.
You can omit this on the first paragraph of each chapter and use a drop cap on the first letter instead; a drop cap is a large capital letter at the beginning of a text block that has the depth of two or more lines of regular text.
That's all we need: computers trading on event situations, where the first three letters of the headline will be sufficient to throw any thinly traded stock into a parabolic rise or drop.
Coming up with a company name was easy: They simply took their first names, dropped the last letter of each and combined them.
First of all, it's hilarious how your style meter will not drop down a letter until you get hit which means you can keep an SSS rating for as long as you want while running in circles and not attacking anyone.
Yesterday, 73 University of Southern California MFA alumni signed a letter of support for the seven first - year MFA students who dropped out of USC's Roski School of Art and Design a month ago.
In fact, every letter added to your first name accounted for a $ 3,600 drop in annual salary.
The letter goes on to explain that this kind of approach to tax reform could harm the incentive effect that makes purchasing a home easier for the first - time homebuyer and also could lead to a drop in the value of all existing homes.
I just sent out my first batch of 250 letters on Saturday, will be dropping another 250 tomorrow and another ~ 450 throughout the week.
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