Sentences with phrase «first matter»

Staying present with the body is first a matter of conscious breathing and sensing the body.
Effective growth marketing is like a math equation, the order of operations of what you do first matters in order to achieve the desired outcome.
In short, going first matters, but you need to make the most of it.
Launches Legal Industry First Matter Management Solution Built on Office 365 In Partnership with Microsoft
Mission First matters during the last few years have included extensive work with the conservatorship for a man who became disabled after suffering a head injury, assisting a low income homeowner with the deed and homestead exemption for a home inherited from his father, and establishing guardianship for a minor child whose parent passed away and handling claims for insurance proceeds.
Whoever gets there first matters not to Google, who has considerably more experience in the field, having operated Google Voice since 2009.
This failure to communicate with citizens — even citizens who voted NDP like myself is concerning and will have to be the first matter that changes at Alberta Health.
Nobody knows where the first matter came from, and the people who wrote the bible were no different.
And the first matter for study is the meaning of resurrection in the case of the Lord in whom Christians find both the decisive disclosure of God and also the empowering from God which they say has brought to them «newness of life».
[4] But in order to be faithful to the conviction that the origin of all reality lies in God, Augustine considers that matter itself is created and finds biblical support for this doctrine in the second verse of the first chapter of Genesis: he interprets the tohu - bohu (Gen. 1:2) as referring to «the unshapedness of the first matter [informitatem matehae] which thou createdst without form (of which thou wert to make this goodly world)».
Only being first matters.
The first matter is that of non-cloth diaper safe diaper creams.
Turning to the first matter, while economics correspondents like Robert Peston are feted and given prime slots, they are only ever reporting on the effects of economic decisions made by institutions and individuals.
As the first matter began to emerge from the Big Bang, it went through a number of phases much as steam condenses to water and eventually freezes as it cools — except rather than water, you get the first recognizable matter in the universe — a hot soup of quarks and gluons.
If that is true, then the first matter in our universe came from somewhere else.
The first matter of business is that we have healthy gut bugs (bacteria) that live inside our digestive tract.
Ladies, my first matter of business is to apologize.
Its band was three times the diameter of my little wrist, so our first matter of business was to have some links removed by Mr. Bjorn.
The first matter to work out is whether the fees that these companies charge are set before they move to negotiate a lower debt clearance sum or if their fee is based on the percentage saved.
In the 1950s he began making his first matter paintings using materials such as marble dust and resin.
The new feature prompts users to complete certain tasks, such as add their first matter or add billable time.
With regard to the first matter — whether housing benefits fall under the concept of social security and social protection — the Court recalls that it is precluded by the Union legislator to give an autonomous and uniform definition of those concepts.
The first matter to touch on this is the decision in Ontario (Ministry of Labour) v. New Mex Canada Inc., (2017 ONCJ 626 (CanLII)-RRB-.
On the first matter, as argued by the defendant, only two of the claimants had won their respective claims, meaning, from a «big picture» perspective, that the defendant had succeeded in 94 % of the group litigation claims and was, therefore, the litigation winner.
The first matter sent to you by any referral source (or with any long term client) should not be viewed as an opportunity to get rich.
Use this first matter as an opportunity to establish a relationship.
The Supreme Court convened outside London for the first time and heard this appeal in Edinburgh making it the first matter to be heard by the justices in Scotland.
In 2006, the team selected LexisNexis CounselLink as their first matter management and e-billing system.
As far as the first matter is concerned, my suggestion was not that a court would or ought to «invalidate» a provision in an Act of Parliament.
25 % of the associates in the program originated their first matter within 6 months of participation
In the first matter, the inquirer sought to represent a litigant in a neglect action when the inquirer, as a judge, signed a consent order stipulating that the subject child be placed in foster care.
The first matter is on the balance of many interests and the challenges of future environmental and planning problems.
The first matter in 2013, and probably that which cumulatively has affected employment practitioners the most is the introduction of fees for tribunal claims.
Upon receiving the traffic ticket, the first matter to consider is to get the traffic ticket record erased from the driving history.
The historic rise of Apple's share price is a testament to that important business truth, namely that being first matters.
The first matter I would like to discuss concerns my personal pet peeve — the «Death by Bullets» resume format.
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