Sentences with phrase «first menstruation»

"First menstruation" refers to a significant event that happens in a girl's life where she begins to have her monthly periods. It marks the onset of her fertility, which means that she is now able to become pregnant and have children in the future. Full definition
Researchers examined 28,516 postmenopausal women without cardiovascular disease from the Women's Health Initiative to test associations between total number of live births, age at first pregnancy lasting at least six months, and total reproductive duration (time from first menstruation to menopause) with incident heart failure.
Most women get some green (non-fertile, safe days) once they enter first menstruation within a cycle and a half.
The ages vary, but there are two signs of puberty that generally precede first menstruation.
Women who were age 15 or older at the time of their first menstrual cycle were 44 percent less likely to develop MS later than women who were 11 years old or younger at the time of their first menstruation.
A total of 44 of the healthy women were 15 or older at first menstruation, compared to 27 of the women with MS.. Additionally, 120 of the healthy women were 11 years old or younger at first menstruation, compared to 131 of the women with MS.
If your period does return quickly after giving birth and you had a vaginal delivery, your doctor or midwife might recommend that you avoid using tampons during your first menstruation post-baby.
After six months and before the woman's first menstruation the «failure» rate is 6 %.
The timing of a girl's first menstruation may affect her first sexual encounter, first pregnancy, and her vulnerability to some sexually transmitted infections, according to a meta - analysis by researchers at Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health.
The truth is as women we should never stop learning about our health, especially when it comes to reproductive function — it spans from our first menstruation way into the years after our last.
So you can get into the habit of temping, but to be extra conservative there will be no green days til both first ovulation and first menstruation have past.
The first stage, from birth until the first menstruation, is dominated by kapha, the energy of water and earth.
Writing at Feminist Law Professors, she promised to send Volokh a Judy Blume book describing a teen's first menstruation.
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