Sentences with phrase «first new addition»

When IBCLC, doula, educator, mother and one of our Friendseze, Megan and her husband brought the first new addition to their family home, they found that sweet spot.
I love this grid patterned skirt so very much, I'm strongly considering making it the first new addition to the collection!
Last week it was reported Kristen Wiig (Ghostbusters) was in talks to star in Wonder Woman 2 as Diana's nemesis, the Cheetah, but now director Patty Jenkins has come out and fully confirmed Wiig is the first new addition to the film.
It looks like we may have our first new addition to the cast of director Tim Miller and producer James Cameron's Terminator reboot, with Variety reporting that Halt and Catch Fire and Blade Runner 2049 actress Mackenzie Davis is in talks to join the film.
Fortune Cookies The first new addition, the Fortune Cookie Shop, is located in the Market Place and allows players to...
Publishing in January, the first new addition to the teaching list will be Daisy Christodoulou's examination of formative assessment practices Making Good Progress.
We estimate that its liquidating value is almost 100 % higher at $ 14.2 M or $ 2.19 per share and the first new addition to the Greenbackd Portfolio for 2009.
The first new addition is the Knockout game mode.
The first new addition is the complete overhaul the graphics received when porting the game from the PlayStation 2 to the PlayStation 4.
The first new addition you'll notice is the new «Dodge Roll» which now gives the movement in combat a lot of fluidity, pairing it with the adjustments made to the camera and target locking the combat within the game now feels like the fast paced action you will come to see as a staple in the full game.
The first new addition to Task View is the ability to pin an open window so it's available on every virtual desktop.
The first new addition to the breakfast area is an amazing new light fixture from Parrot Uncle.
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