Sentences with phrase «first paper on the topic»

Strangely, however, Campbell's first paper on this topic, published in 1972 (3), doesn't even contain the word «cancer.»
Back in 1987, I wrote the first paper on the topic of how climate change might influence hurricanes, showing that the thermodynamic «speed limit» on hurricane winds would increase as the climate warms.

Not exact matches

In 2017 the Business Law Section of the Law Council Australia offered, for the first time, the «Baxt Prize» for an outstanding research paper on the topic of «Human Rights and Business Law».
To check the feasibility of Harry surviving with home - grown gills, in a paper for the Journal for Interdisciplinary Science Topics, students Rowan Reynolds and Chris Ringrose first inspected the gills themselves, estimating them to be approximately 60cm2 in surface area based on their appearance in the film.
Her first study on the topic reported that, in biological and physical sciences departments, a collegial climate — an environment where faculty members feel included in the department's informal network and feel that their colleagues value their research, among other factors — increased the number of papers that faculty members produced.
Haney - Caron first addressed this topic in a paper for Heilbrun's course on forensic assessment in 2013.
For her research efforts, Dietrich has registered a number of firsts with journal papers reflecting her work on such diverse topics as: improving cancer therapy through odor and taste intervention; prevention and treatment of obesity by drinking more water; health effects of iron and copper in drinking water; and risks to people over 50 for unhealthy over-exposure to iron in water.
When it came time to choose a topic for my first high school term paper — it happened to be advanced chemistry — I decided it was a good excuse to find out more about all those suns / stars I had seen in the sky as a child, on Star Trek for the past four or five seasons and now coming down from Hubble.
First advice from Paper Writing Service on choosing reliable literature sources is once you have decided on the topic you will be writing on, you should go to the library and sift through all relevant literature.
The first thing they do is to read all the instructions given by the customers carefully when they are acquainted with all the requirements, they perform thorough research on the topic, and after that, they start collecting all the necessary data that is needed for an effective paper.
To be able to construct an informed argument you must first do a research on what is known on the topic and then clarify a position you will inform and argue about in your paper.
According to My Thesis Writing Service, first thing that needs to be done on the way to a perfect law thesis paper is topic selection.
PhD thesis topic selection is the first obstacle on your way to completing a great paper.
Literature thesis topic selection is the first step you should take on your way to completing a great paper.
First of all, you have to determine a topic for your paper, find all relevant literature on it and skim through it.
For any topic given, the first step before term paper writing is to have a complete grasp on the topic.
After all your papers on this topic were published starting in 2007 so the first 15 years of the non increasing period had already happened.
The more recent papers touch on related topics, but it is not clear to me (yet) where the differences are, as e.g the last paper substracts signals of different satellites, while the first uses only one signal.
(Regarding 1860 - 2000 rather than 1850 - 2010, I have never considered the first and last decade as meaningful when talking about multidecadal climate; in fact I demonstrated this statistically on a climate blog in February 2010, some 18 months before Santer et al made a similar point in their paper on that topic.)
I made the point that these were complicated issues, and that I regarded the BEST papers (which were as yet unpublished) to be the first of many analyses on these topics using the new data set.
This physics has been described in detail starting from our first paper in HESS on this topic.
In my first major paper on this topic, in Science in 1981, I listed the amount of carbon dioxide that would be introduced by each fossil fuel.
* New questions will be raised regarding UHI, however the next IPCC assessment's first draft will be singularly forgetful of any peer - reviewed paper on the topic
* According to the Berkeley group, the Earth's surface temperature will have risen (on average) slightly less than what indicated by NASA, NOAA and the Met Office * Differences will be on the edge of statistical significance, leaving a lot open to subjective interpretation * Several attempts will be made by climate change conformists and True Believers to smear the work of BEST, and to prevent them from publishing their data * After publication, organised groups of people will try to cloud the issue to the point of leaving the public unsure about what exactly was found by BEST * New questions will be raised regarding UHI, however the next IPCC assessment's first draft will be singularly forgetful of any peer - reviewed paper on the topic * We will all be left with a slightly - warming world, the only other certitude being that all mitigation efforts will be among the stupidest ideas that ever sprung to human mind.
For example, I published my first paper advocating for the decriminalisation of voluntary euthanasia in 1993, and a book on the same topic in 2004.
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