Sentences with phrase «first prayer of»

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«Today, and in the coming days, I hope you will hold Nick, his family, all of the victims, as well as the Parkland community and first responders in your prayers
This is the first thing for which I hope; to be assured of your prayers.
You can not in any way dispute this unless you have walked in my shoes and know first hand the power of that prayer.
He even deleted whole pa.ssages like the story of the adulteress in the Gospel of John in which Jesus declares «Let him who is without sin cast the first stone» and Jesus's prayer on the cross, «Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing «since, according to Schlafly, «the simple fact is that some of the persecutors of Jesus did know what they were doing.
Part of this how the first century church exploded out of nothing from men who, by all accounts, shouldn't have been able to pull it off; part of it is seeing (actually a big part of it) is seeing what God has done in my life — answered prayer that, by all accounts, shouldn't have been answered.
His prayers were answered last September, less than three years after the fire, when the Macedonia First Church of God in Christ opened the doors to its new worship facility, built on the same site as the previous building.
1 Timothy 2: 1 - 4 I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people — for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.
I was nervous about this big step and wanted the comfort of having someone stand with me in prayer and bring my first - day jitters before the Lord.
Meanwhile in one of his first events as US President, Donald Trump attended a prayer service at Washington Cathedral on Saturday.
for the drudgery of it) giving up whipped cream for lent fulfills a Godly obligation going to church and dopnating on first Saturday make the Lady of Fatima powerful confessing venial sins is necessary (like you broke wind during communion) That saying the Lords Prayer five times is a virtue?
4 In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy 5 because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, 6 being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.
The first single we released is called «Deliverer,» and it has this whole approach of apophatic prayer, where you go at it from a negative perspective: [basically saying] «God is not this, God is not that.»
«I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people — for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.
Andrew, I understand what you're saying completely because I was a christian for the first half of my life, and I had the same opinion about prayer and emotional well - being.
The verses says... 1I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone — 2for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.
A true Christian makes prayer a daily matter (1 Thess 5:17), in which Jesus taught them to pray first and foremost for God's name of Jehovah to be sanctified by means of his «kingdom».
The government should not be permitted to create incentives for religious practice or belief (like giving favored status to religious organizations, as compared to other nonprofits), to facilitate the religious practices of some at the expense of others (like offering vocal prayers in public schools), or to accommodate one religion but not others with similar needs or problems (like limiting draft exemptions to members of traditional «peace churches») Within these guidelines, religious accommodations are fully in keeping with the First Amendment — albeit in conflict with strict separation.
One of the great privileges of parenthood is walking with our children in prayer, I think, because we give them their first language for how they speak with God.
The apostles too would address the crowds, but first, during this season of preparation, they were together, along with Jesus» mother and family, devoting themselves to prayer.
Shortly after I first met my friend and mentor Ray Ortlund, he gave me a copy of his book A Passion for God: Prayers and Meditations on the Book of Romans.
I'd fill the walls of our conversation with Coast Salish artwork and your heartbeat would match the drums of singing First Nations prayers and you'd learn to love the name
«First of all, we need your constant prayers.
I'd fill the walls of our conversation with Coast Salish artwork and your heartbeat would match the drums of singing First Nations prayers and you'd learn to love the name Creator for God along with so many others.
But first, on nights like this, the nights of lament, we're also singing along — nursery rhymes, hymns, anthems, whatever — with each other because it's a form of prayer.
A comment that stays with me from many years ago, when I first encountered contemplative prayer on a visit to a Carmelite monastery, is a friend's observation that none of us can know how much of what God is doing in the world is brought about in response to the prayers of people we don't know and never see.
There are also two other prayers like the Friday prayer which are performed twice a year on the mornings of the two Islamic feasts, the first day following the month of Ramadan and the tenth day of the month of Dhu «l Hijja.
first, it is effected without any distortion or disruption of any particular determinism: for events are not, in general, deflected from their course of prayer but are integrated into a new arrangement of the totality of forces;
I know we can not forestall, still less dictate to you, even the smallest of your actions; from you alone comes all initiative — and this applies in the first place to my prayer.
Prayer is the first form of physical worship.
Narcissist: some redundancy in all these ics and ists & it amounts to fundamental Fear & Hate & welcome to the First Church of the Crippled & any one can join once outed & the cover - up's no longer adequate: leaking limp and lame shall enter first; no talk of golf or coming out parties of the debutante kind; potluck suppers and holy smoking prayer meetings possibly, with plenty of cFirst Church of the Crippled & any one can join once outed & the cover - up's no longer adequate: leaking limp and lame shall enter first; no talk of golf or coming out parties of the debutante kind; potluck suppers and holy smoking prayer meetings possibly, with plenty of cfirst; no talk of golf or coming out parties of the debutante kind; potluck suppers and holy smoking prayer meetings possibly, with plenty of coffee
On the basis of the First Amendment, as well as the general principles of the Constitution, he opposed public payment for chaplains in Congress and the military, spoke out against national proclamations of days of prayer (though as president he did «recommend» them) and while president vetoed congressional efforts to incorporate churches in the District of Columbia (fullest statement, V: 103 - 105) At the same time, Madison frequently opined that it was appropriate for private citizens to support chaplains and various kinds of semiorganized public religion through voluntary contributions (V: 104,105)
In a way, I guess, in my passive permission of letting him go before, was like your first prayer.
How is it possible at a time like the present, when the whole world is at war, to sit down calmly and consider such a subject as the Earliest Gospel, to study the evangelic tradition at the stage in which it first took literary form, to discuss such fine points as the emergence of a particular theology in early Christianity or the transition from primitive Christian messianism to the normative doctrine of later creeds, confessions, hymns, and prayers?
Dreams, for example, were given a high place as media of divine revelation; (Genesis 20:3; 26:24 - 25; 28:10 - 16; 31:24; 37:5; 41:1; 46:1 - 4; Judges 7:13 - 15; I Kings 3:5 - 15 etc.) omens were trusted, such as the first word to be uttered at an expected meeting, (I Samuel 14:8 - 15) or a chance action regarded as a sign, (Genesis 24:12 - 14) or wind in the mulberry - trees taken as Yahweh's command to join battle; (II Samuel 5:22 - 24) and, in general, dealing with the superhuman world suggested nothing so simple and spiritual as private communion in prayer, but rather a whole array of magical techniques and, from the modern point of view, incredible superstitions.
In the first place, most of our prayers ought to be for the enrichment and control of the spirit so that motives, desires, and the spirit's use of bodily powers will be in harmony with the will of God.
To the first it may be replied that there is no aspect of prayer before which a «No Admittance» sign must be put up to debar inquiry.
The first in a new series of prayer walks trying to reduce incidents of violent crime gets underway in... More
(See Luke 11:5 - 13; 18:1 - 8) Prayer was first of all the maintenance of an habitual spiritual companionship «I am not alone, because the Father is with me.»
So prayer is the first step of preparation.
When, centuries later, Brother Lawrence described prayer as establishing oneself «in a sense of God's presence by continually conversing with Him,» (The Practice of the Presence of God the Best Rule of a Holy Life, «First Conversation.»)
(ENTIRE BOOK) Dr. Harkness discusses first the relation of prayer to the basic structures of Christian faith.
Accompanying such developments as we have noted in the substance of Biblical prayers, an even more profound change was in process: praying, employed at first as a means of persuading a god to do man's will, grew to be used as a means of releasing through man whatever was God's will.
In the first place, no amount of prayer will take the place of right discernment of good and evil through standards set by the outlook of Jesus, of right calculation of the probable consequences of our acts, of right knowledge and judgment of the total situation in which our lives are set.
At the Easter Vigil after the first reading from Genesis chapter 1, describing the creation of the universe by God, the prayer that follows says: «Almighty ever - living God, who are wonderful in the ordering of all your works, may those you have redeemed understand that there exists nothing more marvellous than the world's creation in the beginning except that, at the end of the ages, Christ our Passover has been sacrificed.»
Donald Haggerty's first book, Contemplative Provocations (reviewed here in December 2013), offered aphoristic counsel on prayer and contemplation, particularly in light of God's concealment from those who most earnestly seek him.
First of all, Dominic was a man of prayer, and the fruitfulness of his mission lay in those years of preparation «in the wilderness», in his intense prayer as his Order spread and took root.
It is significant that with Elijah, first of the succession of outstanding prophets, is associated a story that ever since in the Hebrew - Christian heritage has represented this profoundly inward concept of prayer.
The cells in the first houses of the Order had no doors, because what they learnt in their cells, and the prayer that was its vital accompaniment, had to be open to the world.
It may seem obvious to her that, in British Christianity, the abandonment of a belief in a personal God would be of little significance, while the loss of the Authorized Version of the Bible and Cranmer's Prayer Book marks a religious disaster of the first magnitude; or that if «our minds are... full of readily available religious imagery... there is no need to expel [it] simply because... we do not believe in God.»
In the old translation of the First Eucharistic Prayer poor old Melchizedek lost altogether his «holy sacrifice, a spotless victim».
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