Sentences with phrase «first process»

Generally speaking, your body will first process carbohydrates, then fats, then proteins.
Assist in Customer Service through all aspects of the merchandise from first processing all the way through to final check out.
Developed the company's first process for the submission and tracking of wage garnishments to reduce risk of financial exposure
The LTQ - Orbitrap Velos MS / MS data were first processed by in - house software DeconMSn [21] accurately determining the monoisotopic mass and charge state of parent ions, followed by SEQUEST search against the IPI database in the same fashion as described above, with the exception that a 0.1 - Dalton mass tolerance for precursor ions and 1 - Dalton mass tolerance for fragment ions were used.
Star Health & Allied Insurance, the first stand - alone health insurance company in the country, has formally kicked off a sale process with an a
Pasteurized milk was the very first processed food we were exposed to, and countless numbers of people are experiencing all kinds of health troubles, from digestive upset to perhaps even autism.
In B.C., it used to be flat - out illegal to export logs without first processing them into lumber.
Glanbia, which first processes its peas in China, sells its pea starch to a manufacturer that uses it as a base material for growing mushrooms.
He assaults first the process and then the substance of the effort.
The company's world - first process captures and retains the benefits of green grains, and can be used to produce different types of freekeh from different varieties of grain — all with distinctive tastes, nutritional values and applications.
James Cropper's plastic - free packaging launch builds on the papermaker's unique CupCycling ™ technology - the world's first process dedicated to upcycling disposable coffee cups.
Using electroencephalogram (EEG) imaging, Singh and his team found that as the brain is first processing touch, it just detects differences among the physical sensations coming in.
When observing a scene, the brain first processes details — spots, lines and simple shapes — and uses that information to build internal representations of more complex objects, like cars and people.
To create the Leading the Change toolkit, CPE customized the Data First process to address school turnaround specifically.
A. Hard Edits — Invoices are first processed against «black and white» business rules that reside within an e-billing system.
Miners will first process transactions with the highest transaction fees, which has caused smaller transactions to be disproportionately expensive.
Remember the person first processing your resume is probably not a Welder.
«If smaller chunks of data are first processed by individual robots and then combined, the final model is less likely to get stuck at a bad solution.»
Many admitted that at first the process had intimidated them, but after working through it, they shed their earlier reservations and even wanted to continue to work in similar fashion in the future.
«It is likely that Linearbandkeramik dairy farmers were the first to drink fresh milk, without first processing it into yoghurt or cheese,» Thomas says.
Several years after Peters gave her calorie talk, Spam debuted as one of the first processed convenience foods.
It's the first process in the method to your madness.
What I have called the standard approach excels in the first process, providing fine lecturers and large libraries: a truly incredible input of new information.
By 1970, it was farming more than 700 acres of catfish and later that year it opened its first processing plant with a capacity to process 25,000 pounds per week.
The capacity of the first processing plant was not enough to keep up with market demand, so Haring's Catfish began expanding in 1982.
The first process developed by the company, named ReishiSmooth ™, uses healthy Reishi mushrooms to improve the taste of coffee.
First I process my raisin - date paste, then the chocolate syrup, then a glass of chocolate milk!
It was almost a year go to the date that we got one of our first Process - Era Defining Moments when we held the Raptors to 89 points amidst our glorious January streak.
In this study, Sakimoto performs theoretical calculations using the semi-classical method for describing the dynamics dominated by the first process.
According to the available validation studies, all relevant biomarkers have passed through the first process phase.
A team of researchers from the Department of Evolutionary Neuroethology, led by Sonja Bisch - Knaden, has investigated whether neural activity patterns linked to either feeding or egg - laying behavior can already be observed in the antennal lobe, which is the first processing level of scents in the insect brain.
It's one of the first processes to use simple techniques like gravity separation to cleanly lift organic resins from inorganic fibreglass.
Blood formation was the first process for which scientists formulated and proved the theory that stem cells are the common origin that gives rise to various types of mature cells.
In the first process building, human crews over the past three years have performed more than 1.4 million measurements of process piping and components manually and are close to declaring the building «cold and dark.»
1 Sausages, a blend of meat or blood protein, fat, and spices, were the first processed food.
According to Manabu Hatano, co-author of the team's study in Green Chemistry, this is not the first process using alkoxides for trans - esterification, but it is by far the most versatile.
«The first process for decaffeinating coffee was invented by Ludwig Roselius in 1905.
In the first process, droplet evaporation residues condense and then freeze, forming ice crystals near the top of the cloud only.
Research activity of the laboratory is concentrated on the olfactory system, starting from primary odour perception, via information coding in the first processing centers to learning - associated changes in structure and function of the neural networks.
The first process is called thermogenesis which is also one of the best methods of the newly developed and improved fat burning supplements.
I use a half gallon jar for the first process then strain into two quart size jars.
Then another process of heat and addition of acid is used to remove nasty solids (wax) that occur during the first processing.
The first process is an acid - enzyme process to break down the starch chains into smaller glucose chains.
The first process is called alcoholic fermentation and occurs when yeasts change natural sugars to alcohol under controlled conditions.
Whereas our bodies have to first process the fibers (in the avocado and nuts and seeds) before it is able to be stored as fat.
When estrogen is taken as a pill, it's first processed through the liver.
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