Sentences with phrase «first questions asked»

Whenever I get these emails, this is the very first question I ask them.
This should be the very first question you ask yourself when faced with an opportunity to purchase miles / points... so what does the math look like in this case?
If your audience members stumble across one of your ads without prior knowledge of your company, one of the first questions they ask will be, «Is this brand credible?»
The first question they ask is a combination of «What problem does it solve?»
«The first question I ask is why,» says Melody Adhami, co-founder of Plastic Mobile, a Toronto - based mobile experience and design agency.
When you set up your own business, one of the first questions you ask yourself is: «What kind of people do I want to recruit?»
Make sure the first question you ask an employee is not about a deadline or a task, and isn't about the org chart changes or the project that is over-budget.
Every time we do a project, the first question we ask ourselves is where to position the viewer.
When business owners ask me why they have a difficult time prospecting and closing on business, one of the first questions I ask is, «who is your audience?»
When we're conducting a sales and marketing assessment, one of the first questions we ask is, «How do you define a sales qualified lead (SQL)?»
The first question asked was about staying motivated on building up your business while you're working a 9 - 5 and raising a family.
One of the first questions I ask is to define what a lead is, and, further, to define each stage of an organization's funnel.
One of the first questions asked at the Employee Advocacy Summit, was about after setting up an EA program, «what content are my employees going to use?»
The first questions we asked were:
But to your first question I ask «why would the dollar fall in response to China lowering its trade surplus to the US?
So one of the first questions he asked me was, hey, Microsoft is a small company, IBM is this huge company, why can you do better?
When people find out I left my life in the U.S. to move to Placencia, Belize, one of the first questions they ask is how it has changed me — and what life looks like compared to the U.S..
I am a risk manager and credit analyst by training (actually, I think I was born that way), so when I created my hedge fund over three years ago, one of the first questions I asked the partner of (large,... Continue reading →
Today, those are not the most important factors for clients — the first questions they ask are about things like service and technology.»
It's not the first question I ask.
One of the first questions asked was when did he realize the interaction with the young lady was inappropriate.
«When I sit down with a couple that's divorcing, the first question I ask myself is «Was this ever a marriage to begin with?»»
Over the years, as more and more young people came to be part of the First Things family, one of the first questions asked of them at Saturday dinner was «Were you in Krakow?»
Recently when a Muslim committee from Free China visited Mecca the first question asked by King Saud of Saudi Arabia was why no Chinese Hajjis had come from the mainland in the last few years.
«When I get on the other side, the first question I ask will be: «Master, what's my next task?»»
Whenever I hear Christians (or anybody for that matter) complain about the direction of our government, the first question I ask them is, «Did you vote in the last election?»
When I tell anyone about the way I eat one of the first questions they ask is what do you snack on?
The first question I asked myself when I saw this product was how have I not seen this before?
One of the first questions we asked at most booths was «Where can I find this in Richmond» and while the answer was commonly Whole Foods or Wegmans, we also noticed a lot more people were selling their products on Amazon.
«One of the challenges I'm having in bringing Alex and Ani to life, is so many retailers know me from Pandora... the first question they ask is, «how are you going to market the brand?
Everyone loves them so much that when an upcoming party is mentioned one of the first questions asked is «Will you be making your meatballs?»
What I know to be absolutely the case is the first question asked by us in these discussions is never «How much?»
«That's one of the first questions I asked him,» WKU athletic director Todd Stewart said.
The first question they ask is whether his style is legal.
One of the first questions I ask is how are you potty training - or more specifically, what method are using to potty your child?
The first question I asked this reader is, who is supplying the Rice Krispie Treats and Cheetos in the kindergarten classroom?
It is one of the first questions we asked upon seeing each other right after our babies were born.
The first question I asked the doctor was «will I be able to breast feed?»
When parents come in to school to discuss concerns about slumping grades, one of the first questions I ask is about electronics in the bedroom.
The first question asks residents if the district should try to decrease its dependence on property - tax revenue, and the second one asks if the district should construct a fitness center in cooperation with the private sector if no tax dollars are used and if residents should pay lower fees and rates than non-residents.
Whenever I give a class or workshop to therapists on the subject, the first question I ask participants is how they feel about divorce.
The first question asks whether the district should issue $ 8 million in general obligation bonds to purchase the parcel at 1st Avenue and Three Oaks Road, improve it and build a family aquatic center, which could accommodate 850 to 1,000 swimmers.
When people find out my first son was born in the United Kingdom, the first question they ask is, «How was it different giving birth in the UK compared to the United States?»
That's often one of the first questions asked when contacting a healthcare provider about a new pregnancy.
One of the first questions I asked is if the girls being preemies meant they were at higher risk for SIDS.
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