Sentences with phrase «first round of the election»

After the first round of elections last week, polls indicate that his party could take as many as 425 of the 577 positions.
Many commentators think she has reached a ceiling in the first round of the elections and won't be able to gather enough votes to beat centrist Emmanuel Macron in the second round.
Opposition leader Julius Maada Bio of the Sierra Leone People's Party led with 43.3 percent of the vote in the first round of elections but failed to secure a majority vote needed to win, according to the electoral commission.
The Socialists, weakened after the deeply unpopular presidency of Francois Hollande, have no chance of getting beyond the first round of the election in April, according to the latest polls.
The latest polls show Marine Le Pen is ahead of the other candidates in nine out of 12 regions, and every poll now shows her coming out on top in the first round of the election.
With just under four months until the first round of the election, much remains unclear.
Though the party won the first round of the elections — which took place two weeks after the Paris attacks that left 130 people dead — and came in on top in half of France's regions, the National Front ended up not winning a single region.
Shortly before the first round of the election all of our sentiment measures were declining.
After the first round of the elections, EURUSD implied volatility sank to 7.47 % after 13.45 % on April 17.
Any proposals to annul the results of the first round of the election or form an «interim» government fly in the face of our country's constitutional provisions.
Competing against 16 others, he won 48 % of the votes in the first round of that election, but was given a unanimous endorsement in the second round, making him the party's presidential candidate.
After the first round of election in seven out of the eight local government areas of the state, results from INEC have confirmed the contest as a two - horse - race between the Dickson and Sylva.
In the measure currently under consideration, all voters, regardless of whether they're registered with a party or not, would vote in a first round of elections.
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