Sentences with phrase «first rules of thumb»

One of the first rules of thumb as far as dating older women go is this?
First rule of thumb, mis en place!
Her first rule of thumb is not to mix her client's diapers - she wanted to make sure her customers» diapers didn't get mixed in and washed with other customer's cloth diapers.
The first rule of thumb: talk to the parents before an issue even comes up.
If you are wondering how to succeed in child proofing, the first rule of thumb is to think of everything and research until you come across the information you didn't know.
First rule of thumb: Stick to a consistent daily skin care regimen for your skin type, like the 3 - Step Skin Care System for your skin type.
«First rule of thumb: Always be gracious and honest!
The first rule of thumb in developing a social media marketing plan is identifying your target reader and where their social media hangouts are.
Let's get separated - The first rule of thumb as an entrepreneur is to keep your personal and business finances separated.
The first rule of thumb is to ALWAYS keep about 6 months of expenses in cash reserves.
As we've said before and we'll say again and again, the first rule of thumb is to at least save enough to get the employer match, if one is offered.
My first rule of thumb is, «If it ain't broke, don't fix it.»
The first rule of thumb is to avoid doing anything to the dog that you might not want your child to do.
First rule of thumb - no need to report the credit card rewards, if you received them by spending money.
If you are stricken with the virus, the first rule of thumb is to drink plenty of fluids because the dehydration caused by norovirus can cause more serious symptoms.
All 3 of these are ticket able offenses, so the first rule of thumb is to have these documents with you when you get behind the wheel.
5 Deal with delays The first rule of thumb is to always expect delays.

Not exact matches

General rule of thumb — never fall in love with your first business model.
As a rule of thumb, keep this methodology in mind: benefits first, features second.
For years underwriters had balanced the countervailing imperatives by hewing to a general rule of thumb: value the deal so that the stock will jump about 15 % on the first day of trading.
The rule of thumb: Save 10 percent of your pay for retirement starting with your first job.
For those struggling, an easy rule of thumb to help you find your feet is to include one keyword in the title, one in the first paragraph, and one in the final paragraph.
When traders have an extended first wave, the rule of thumb prevails to look for placing put options, but only after the fourth wave has formed.
When I first started investing, I clung on to rules of thumb as beacons of certainty that I could navigate by.
Go with the rule of thumb for savings first: contribute to your 401 (k) to the match, then after that put $ 5,500 to a Roth IRA.
When I first heard that the rule of thumb for buying turkey was 1 pound per person, I was beside myself.
A good rule of thumb is to add any hard vegetables to the broth first to give them the longest cooking time, and add the soft vegetables such as spinach or other leafy greens last as they don't need nearly as much cooking time and are much nicer when they retain their green colour.
A great rule of thumb is to put safety first when it comes to choosing the best humidifier for baby nursery.
The general rule of thumb is to wait until after the first trimester before visiting a salon - after that, go for it.
The general rule of thumb is to finish the first breast before you move on to the second breast, as explained on LLLI.
In the first four to six months when your baby isn't eating any solids, here's a simple rule of thumb: Offer 2.5 ounces of formula per pound of body weight each day.
One workable rule of thumb is to offer a spoonful twice after the first rejection.
If this is your first baby, you have no idea how fast your labor will progress, so being safe rather than sorry is the best rule of thumb.
A good rule of thumb is to attend to the first child who wakes, and if he wakes the other go and attend to the other child.
THE idea that much of our instinctive decision - making is faulty was first put forward in the 1970s by psychologists Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky, who showed in a series of seminal papers that the rules of thumb people use to make judgements often lead them badly astray.
«Moore's law» — the rule of thumb first posited by Intel co-founder Gordon Moore in 1965 that the number of transistors on a chip doubles every two years — «is on our side.»
A general rule of thumb is to saturate your muscles with 20 grams of creatine in five - gram servings for a week, then bring the consumption down to 5 grams per day for maintenance, or you could cycle your creatine consumption by starting with.16 grams per pound -LRB-.35 g per kg) of bodyweight daily during the first week, then lowering the amount to.7 grams per pound -LRB-.15 g per kg) of bodyweight daily during week 2 - 4, then taking the fifth week off and repeating the cycle.
A good rule of thumb is to scan the first three ingredients, because they are the largest part of what you're eating.
The general rule of thumbs is, add in frozen fruits (except ice) first then fresh fruits and veggies.
General rule of thumb is 1 cup a day in the first trimester, 2 cups per day in the second, and 3 in the third.
It may be a little scary to combine statement pieces at first, since the rule of thumb is to pick one eye catching item and work around it with basics.
First, as a general rule of thumb, don't wear two statement necklaces together.
A great rule of thumb for the first date: Choose a color or outfit that you are often complimented on.
Let us quell any residual feelings of uncertainty with these simple rules of thumb for deciphering when to say «I love you» to that special someone for the first time.
Throughout dating literature and countless conversations amongst single women, it seems to be the general rule of thumb that men should be the initiators of every step of the dating process - from the first conversation, to the first date, to the first kiss and so on.
As a rule of thumb, it's usually better to wait for the guy to message you first.
The rule of thumb on a first date is to keep the conversation light, fun and casual.
I like the rule of thumb for first - time filmmakers, is always write something near and dear to you.
The first month of 2018 had plenty more news to keep up with, as the state thumbed its nose at new federal accountability rules, the governor sought...
But the first rule is always to INSPECT the condition and service as appropriate, no matter what «rule of thumb» you're fond of.
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