Sentences with phrase «first specimens»

It has the world's first specimen of a Tyrannosaurus Rex.
The breed was first introduced to Europe in 1895 when first specimens were brought to England.
When the very first specimen he examined from a trap in that urban backyard turned out to be a new species, Dr. Brown was inspired to pursue a deeper investigation of Los Angeles urban biodiversity, leading to the BioSCAN project.
«when objects of a certain class elicit from an animal a certain sort of reaction, it often happens that the animal becomes partial to the first specimen of the class on which it has reacted, and will not afterward react on any other specimen».
Tullimonstrum gregarium, informally dubbed the «Tully Monster» after the amateur fossil hunter who discovered the first specimens in 1958, is monstrous only in terms of its appearance (artist's concept above), with the largest individuals measuring in at about 15 centimeters long.
Self - taught explorer Paul Du Chaillu dispelled the myth of the gorilla as half - man, half - beast when he brought the first specimens to America in 1859 and to Europe two years later.
Since then, several other skeletons have been discovered, including one in 1988 known as the Wankel T. rex, the first specimen to include the animal's tiny two - clawed arms.
Hadfield's first specimen is the partial remains of an adult, whose chest, shoulder blades, and back show the telltale black lines that indicate dinofuzz.
The first specimen was a hidden - snout beetle (subfamily Cryptorhynchinae) found in amber from the Dominican Republic.
The man's GP challenged the result, and a government reference laboratory checked the first specimen and four follow - up samples.
The first specimen of S. cordicitum was collected in October 1974 on U.S. 166 about 30 miles west of Fort Davis, Texas.
On the living branch where the team found their first specimen, there were dead leaves hanging on strands of silk 2.5 metres up from the forest floor.
We named the new species from Los Angeles Exosphaeroma pentcheffi in recognition of the amazing teacher who discovered the first specimen.
The first specimen apparently had a luminescent strip along its upper jaw, but no one has managed to find one since.
The first specimen was found in 1974 and the second in 1990, but over the years, the plant was wrongly assigned to three different Solanum species before a study led by University of Utah botanist Lynn Bohs identified it as an entirely new but likely endangered species.
Named after Dudley Foster, pilot of the US Navy submersible Alvin, who collected the first specimen, this tiny jelly is common near the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, an ocean - floor dividing line that separates the North American tectonic plate from the Eurasian, running south from Iceland down to the Azores.
In 1856, three years before the publication of Charles Darwin's On the Origin of Species, a group of miners uncovered human fossils in a limestone cave in the Neander Valley of northern Germany — what would later be named Neanderthal 1, the first specimen to be recognized as belonging to another, archaic species of human.
«The first specimen was described more than 200 years ago, but its placement in the fish evolutionary tree has been uncertain ever since.
Part 40 directs the collector to discard the first specimen if the temperature was out of range or the specimen showed signs of tampering and the employee refused to provide a second spec
The Urine Specimen Collection Guidelines [at Section 8, Directly Observed Collection, Number 7] indicate that, in such a situation, the first specimen should be retained and sent to the laboratory.
Part 40 directs the collector to discard the first specimen if the temperature was out of range or the specimen showed signs of tampering and the employee refused to provide a second specimen under direct observation.
The collector does not retain the first specimen, but discards it.
(i) If the first specimen is reported as negative, but the result of the second specimen has not been reported by the laboratory, as the MRO, you should hold — not report — the result of the first specimen until the result of the second specimen is received.
(f) If the employee's recollection (required at paragraph (a)(5) of this section) results in another invalid result for a different reason than that reported for the first specimen, as the MRO, you must:
(ii) If the first specimen is reported as non-negative, as the MRO, you should report the result immediately and not wait to receive the result of the second specimen.
(e) If the employee's recollection (required at paragraph (a)(5) of this section) results in another invalid result for the same reason as reported for the first specimen, as the MRO, you must:
The first specimen of the 4 - seater known today as the classic Mini came off the production line as the Austin Seven.
During this time, the standard of the breed was written and the first specimens where shown at the Stuttgart Dog Show in 1900.
The first specimens arrived in the United States in the late 1950s.
Spanish traders from Tenerife brought the first specimens in the mid 1400s as gifts, paving the way for good relations and trading.
In 1988 the first specimens were made available for others to appreciate.
The modern Chihuahua was actually developed by breeders in North America and the first specimen of the breed was registered with the AKC in 1904.
It was given its common name by Oldfield Thomas in honour of C. W. Campbell (Charles William Campbell), who collected the first specimen in Mongolia on July 1, 1902.
Note that the best time to insert the first specimen is four days before its ovulation.
Briards came to America very early, with evidence that both Lafayette and Thomas Jefferson brought some of the first specimens to the New World.
The first specimens of this breed arrived in the United States along with English settlers in the early 1600s.
In 1930, Lady Browning brought the first specimens to England.
The Tervuren Belgian Shepherd comes from the city of Tervuren, a town where the first specimens of this beautiful variety of Belgian shepherd were selected.
Europe got to know about these dogs in 1930, when the first specimens were imported into England and Norway.
The first specimens had a high rate of success generating much interest in people who wanted one.
Three years later, in 1878, the first specimen of the breed was registered with the AKC — his name was Admiral.
Some of the macro life seen on this dive included: Orangutan Crab, flatworms, blennies, Hydroid Crab and also the first specimen of the endemic Raja Ampat Epaulette Shark, also known as the Walking Shark.
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