Sentences with phrase «first stab»

In The Power Surge Michael Levi of the Council on Foreign Relations takes an excellent first stab at making sense of America's new energy resources....
Not much else is known about it yet - it's far too soon for specs or other details - but there's little doubt that Razer would want to follow up its critically acclaimed first stab in the smartphone market.
This new site says that people who register on the pre-order page between July 20th and 27th (today) will get first stab via email link later today.
I knew eventually there would be some rendezvous with the code council and i think this is a good first stab at it.
With the IPCC previously «taking a pass», in its assessment of Greenland's contribution to sea - level rise - due to poor understanding of how ice sheets would respond to global warming back in 2007 - this new paper is an important first stab at pinning down the slippery mechanisms of «ice sheet dynamics».
This research is an encouraging first stab at investigating the «large potential impact that activity - encouraging games could have on society,» as the paper puts it, rosily.
What makes the message of Mystic River doubly powerful is that the audience knows Dave is innocent (of this particular crime at least) and can only watch as his former friend first stabs him and then shoots him at point blank range.
In other words, those messy first stabs at writing that gradually improve with practice are building neurological foundations that make learning easier and more enduring.
Thrift stores are an obvious first stab, as even tiny towns usually have a Goodwill or Salvation Army.
Christopher Krumm, pictured, first stabbed Heidi Arnold, 42, before going to Casper College in Central Wyoming, where he shot his father James Krumm with a
The other three productions, Baby Boom, Father of the Bride and its sequel, were directed by Meyers» husband and longtime collaborator, Charles Shyer, but this is Meyers first stab at fully writing and directing her own work.
The 348, if I'm honest, was probably the car I was least excited about driving, assuming it would just be a poorer, slower first stab at the 355.
Either way, it shares most of its mechanicals with both, and is BMWs first stab at competing with the Audi A7 Sportback and Mercedes - Benz CLS.
Developer Double Helix has taken a worthy first stab at this revered franchise, and I'd really like to see them get the chance to iterate on this game and produce a sequel.
Amazon may or may not be considering a spectacular smartphone comeback and unique first stab at a wearable device, but when it comes to the e-commerce giant's existing consumer hardware families, there's nothing left to be refreshed in the near future.
First stabbed in the hand during a failed terrorist burst,...
(At least, it will be a good first stab.)
Charles Bennett, a cosmologist at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland, says this work is an important first stab: «We are right in the ballpark of detecting things about our early universe.»
First stabs at film often have the same lethargic traits — ordinary framing, awkward line readings, etc. — so it's nice that Drew finds an energy in his home turf that avoids and sometimes plays off those traps.
«These categories are a first stab at this,» Silver told the website Raw Story.
Last year, I took my first stab at making it sugar free and it was just as good.
My first go at it... I used a cake that was way to «crumby»... so very impressive that you nailed it on the first stab.
I purchased your GF Artisan bread book and am making my first stab today.
So, our first stab at this — and what we'll be launching International sales (or UK sellers) after we've finished testing it this weekend, is this:
This is my first stab at blogging.
Give each child a fork, and once the birthday song and candle - blowing is done, tell them to «stab» the piece of dragon they would like to eat (the birthday child gets the first stab, of course).
Nor is this her first stab at entering Westminster.
After being met with overwhelming criticism following the Senate's first stab at mayoral control last week, Flanagan's new proposals may create a win - win situation for the Senate Republicans.
But worries that political deadlock would lead to delays in tackling the UK's yawning deficit were allayed somewhat after Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg said the party with the most votes and seats - the Conservatives - should have the first stab at trying to form a Government.
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has taken its first stab at quantifying the hazard from earthquakes associated with oil and gas development.
Cronin's first stab was a 2012 paper in Nature Chemistry in which he and his colleagues described something he called reactionware, 3D - printed chemical reaction vessels containing catalysts and other components needed to carry out specific reactions inside.
The irony is thick because techniques used to insert genes from one organism into another were developed in European university labs more than 30 years ago, and the first stabs at commercial cultivation of so - called «transgenic» crops occurred in Europe's fields.
Now, Dymecki and colleagues have taken a first stab at systematically characterizing serotonergic neurons at the molecular level and defining a full set of subtypes, again in mice.
First stabs at a weapon to disable the common chemistry are compounds that inhibit an enzyme called HPPD.
A Mars rover's first stab at analysing a giant crater suggests the structure was once exposed to hot water.
I drew contrasts between my first stab at life and this unique opportunity to change directions.
There are some bad green brands out there, meaning you could end up looking like a drag queen who just took the first stab at doing her own makeup, not yet a Geish, without a dragmother, and who does not know the first rule about cooking her makeup.
This was my first stab with shimmer, so I went a bit hog wild, but fashion is all about having fun & seeing how far you can style a piece or 2!
I took my first stab at a DIY project for my February look when the Fab 40s theme was Pop Art.
After I published this post, I discovered that my first stab at mixing prints (seen here) was featured on FabSugar's Look of the Day.
His first stab at making WorldStar stick saw the site focus on mixtape.
Kremen took his first stab at entrepreneurship after graduating from Stanford, launching two software companies.
Goold is basically a television director and this is his first stab at a major motion picture.
If this is Ulrich's first stab at filmmaking («Scream» pun fully intended), then I'm excited to see what he'll come up with next.
Undaunted in this first stab at real love, the 60ish Doris sets about dressing even more colorfully than usual and friending him via a fake Facebook identity in order to learn more about him — at one point deliberately attending the same concert by a band he and his friends are really into.
The role of Jericho Kane offered Arnie his first stab at grizzled and broken, a godless man up against Gabriel Byrne's petrol - pissing Lucifer, visiting earth to sire a son within the one - hour window circumscribed by Rod Steiger's stoup of mentally ill exposition.

Phrases with «first stab»

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