Sentences with phrase «first such program»

They want to end the country's first such program despite its great success.
Nightingale's business magnet program is the district's first such program for middle schoolers.
The Ulster County executive says the program that provides bystander training for bar and tavern staff is the first such program in the state.
The first such program — trained to spot symptoms of diabetes - related vision loss in eye...
The first such program — trained to spot symptoms of diabetes - related vision loss in eye images — is pending approval by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
He started his work in 1993, launching the FERET (Face Recognition Technology) program for the Army Research Laboratory, the first such program.
It was the first such program at the University and has now become a corner stone of the Department of Physics & Astronomy.
The new program would be the first such program in California and one of only a few similar programs nationwide, according to Trish Hatch, an associate professor at San Diego State who spearheaded the creation of the program.
The first such program was started in Toledo, Ohio, in the early 1980s, and replicas exist in places like Montgomery County, Maryland, and Rochester, New York.
They are the first such programs to be approved under the measure, which was signed into law last November and allows the department to approve 10 programs per year for the next five years.
That is the chief finding from a new report by the Friedman Foundation for Educational Choice's Jeff Spalding who analyzed the 10 voucher programs created between the 1990 - 91 school year, when Milwaukee launched America's first such program, and 2010 - 11.
The «Hope Scholarships» would be the nation's first such program.
[2] The first such program was «If All of Seattle Read the Same Book» in 1998, started by Nancy Pearl at Seattle Public Library's Washington Center for the Book.
The Trauma Assistance Dog (TAD ℠) Program, the first such program in the country, implemented by Crosson, became so successful that even more veterans applied for service dogs to help them cope with their PTSD.
It was one of the first such programs for inmates serving... Learn More
As one example of the support the SPCA gets from the community he points to the SPCA's relationship with the Cornell shelter medicine program, which was one of the first such programs in the country.
The first such program on the West Coast, this week the raptor observatory will wind down its 30th year of activity as a project of the Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy and the National Park Service.
program in Trial Advocacy for Cal Western, the first such program in the nation.
It was the first such program in Canada and remains an essential introduction to the work of provincial and territorial court judges.At the time of the introduction of the new program, Ontario's Criminal Court judges had joined CAPCJ but the Family Court judges had not.
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