Sentences with phrase «first time a friend»

When I was hired by Monin, I was stumped the first time a friend asked me what the French do with all these syrups.
The very first time a friend brought Andrea to a playground at age five, he became hooked on hoops.
The first time a friend offered my daughter Violet a veggie «puff,» I was puzzled.
Best F (r) iends marks the first time the friends have worked together on their own project since The Room.
Apparently though this is the first time friends and family to fight can fight crime in LEGO CITY together.
I remember the first time a friend and I had a space race.
The first time a friend or family member asks if they can borrow your phone or tablet, you probably just hand it over without a second thought.
I know I'll laugh at myself the first time my friend, David, and I have a discussion about something and I'll wonder, «Who was it that said that?»

Not exact matches

«We wanted to be the first student group in the world to launch a rocket into space,» Ellis says of the friends» time at the University of Southern California.
Trump's Fox and Friends interview, which took place on First Lady Melania's birthday («I got her a beautiful card and some beautiful flowers,» Trump said), included vehement denials of any collusion with Russia and a glowing self - assessment of his time in office so far.
It was also a chance to meet some of my social - media friends in the flesh for the first time, including Entrepreneur Equation author Carol Roth, conversion expert Derek Halpern of Social Triggers, and the Franchise King, Joel Libava.
Their future is highly influenced by the people they are meeting on a daily basis, including their friends at college, professors and first - time work associates.
Finally, Brauer suggested that a good first step to decluttering your mind is to take time off, go outside, unplug from mobile devices and be with family and friends.
If you're a first - time entrepreneur with a business idea, you probably need to do a lot of research and planning before you're able to persuade anyone — banks, angels, friends or family members — to give you funding.
The first time a user attempts to check in a friend, that friend will receive a notification requesting permission to let him or her check them in.
MINGORA, Pakistan (Reuters)- Nobel Peace Prize winner Malala Yousafzai visited her hometown in Pakistan's Swat Valley on Saturday for the first time since she was shot by a Taliban gunman as a teenager, two security officials and a family friend said.
You might found that you spend all of your time talking about the business, hashing out ideas, arguing about money, and that all the things that made you friends in the first place have fallen by the wayside.
Grau founded Drivin with long - time friend and neighbor Justin Mahlik, which led to a special challenge: the need to have daily, difficult conversations with a business partner who was a friend first.
Put their experience into the context of a map or a journey, and suddenly all of these influences become apparent - the recommendation they got from their friend about you, the first time they land on your site, the login and password setup process, the speed of your site, color selection, and most importantly the ease at which you solved a problem for them.
«Absolutely I would vote for her, and she knows, and I would be able to call her a friend, we've known each other a very long time, long before President Clinton ran for the first time,» Norman told Tania Bryer, host of «CNBC Meets» in an interview held before Hilary Clinton announced her bid.
Taking into account that banks and traditional financial institutions tend to not offer loans to cannabis businesses for the time being, many cannabis entrepreneurs fall back on family members and friends for seed capital — and this is probably the way to go at first.
Whether you are evaluating a new product for the first time or hosting a tasting with friends, there are a few techniques that will help you fully appreciate all the complexities of Kentucky Bourbon.
«I'm really looking forward to not just capturing a photo of her first steps, but trying to capture that moment and be able to share that with her family and all our other close friends, and have that ability to be there and feel it and see what it's like not just in a photo or video,» he said at the time.
The good news is that first - time home buyers can obtain down payment funds from a third - party, such as a family member or close friend.
It's impractical, as a long - term intervention, one you'll probably uninstall the first time Go Rando selects a «ha - ha» face for a friend's sad post, or an angry face on your brother's new job announcement.
We know they're good friends, but this is the first time I've seen...
First, as the clouds of sadness begin to lift I want to thank all of those who took time to send a note to the blog and to me in emails for the condolences on the passing of my mentor and friend.
We had people write songs for the first time [and perform them for their lady - friends].
I am the first in line to step up to the plate to help someone in need (a friend told me about a homeless man living under bridge in a small town of 1500... everyone knew he was there; police, mayor and other community members, though NO one did a thing, I personaly went bought a sleeping bag and 100.00 worth of food, storage bags and toiletries and whatever I thought he may need and this is the first time brought up.)
It would have been far easier if I could have dismissed Jennifer as a friend; but still, every time I saw her I remembered why I had liked her in the first place.
By my manner and my tone of voice you might think that I am greeting long - lost friends, rather than introducing myself to these people for the first time.
So in this first year of being this little boy's parents, we've been taking it a day at a time, praying for wisdom, and getting help from those ahead of us on the path — good friends and good guides.
I met some of my online friends for the first time in person...
You may need to do that first with a trusted friend or counsellor, but in time you will have to put it together with your wife.
Each flower, each leaf, every greeting from a friend, every letter from a distance, every poem and every song strikes with double impact, as if we were sensing them for the first and for the last time.
The next morning, with another friend, I attended my first meeting with other alcoholics and began recovering, one day at a time.
Burdened with doubt, anxiety and inflated expectations, he experienced panic attacks for the first time in his life, and it wasn't until a friend reminded him who holds his future that he was able to find a creative breakthrough.
Once in New York City, when an old church building was being demolished to make way for a new one, a man riding past the ruined structure on a bus said to a friend, «This is the first time in years that I have seen the inside of a church.»
In the first place, time and energy for friend - ship are limited.
And, having devoted much of my time at Princeton to fighting for free speech, I am glad to see you, my friends, exercising your First Amendment rights and voicing your dissent.
The bishop of Edessa at that time, Rabbula was in favour of the Diophysite movement at first, but by AD 352 he changed his position and turned against his friends in the school of Edessa as well as the Antiochean theologians as a whole.
For those who didn't see the first time around, my Rock Songbook began with four epic posts on what may be the greatest 60s album, Odessey and Oracle, especially concentrating on the hit «Time of the Season,» but also taking in the glorious «Changes,» the ambivalent «Friends of Mine,» and then settin» down for some Platonic analysis of why it's hard to convey wisdom in rock - song, even for a group as great as the Zombtime around, my Rock Songbook began with four epic posts on what may be the greatest 60s album, Odessey and Oracle, especially concentrating on the hit «Time of the Season,» but also taking in the glorious «Changes,» the ambivalent «Friends of Mine,» and then settin» down for some Platonic analysis of why it's hard to convey wisdom in rock - song, even for a group as great as the ZombTime of the Season,» but also taking in the glorious «Changes,» the ambivalent «Friends of Mine,» and then settin» down for some Platonic analysis of why it's hard to convey wisdom in rock - song, even for a group as great as the Zombies.
At the same time, the film harks back to Disney's first - ever fairy - tale feature, 1937's Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, with its story of a princess in disguise living hidden in a forest; a villainess with access to supernatural powers; a supporting cast of lovable eccentrics; frolicking animal friends; and a handsome prince who awakens the heroine from a deathlike sleep with love's first kiss.
He said most of his congregants invited friends into their homes to show the video around 1990 and recorded hundreds of «first - time decisions for Christ.»
I am the worst sinner ever i think... i lost my virginity since when i was 14 or more years... the first time i intercourse with the married woman (i do nt know she divorced or her husband died) and that was just once but kissed many times... then later i intercourse with another lady then after that with the another lady (girl friends)... then after that i have a long lasting relationship with another lady (nonchristian) we already intercourse for many times... and as years pases by..
My husband and I had a great celebration, preparing roast goose for the first time, with friends and family.
time for me to leave my country for 5 years study (medical field)... and while i am i that country (China) once i intercourse with a prostitute (i am really shamefull)... then after few times i found another girl in facebook (from my hometown only) then fall in love with her and that loves get stronger day by day (she is a christian) and i told her that im not virgin and i had this girlfriend and i did with prostitute so she forgives me and ask me to lie new life... but still i havent leave my e girl friend (i found difficult to leave her, i do nt love her much, but i do nt know how i love her in first place, she is much older than me), my ex gf came to suspects about my new relationship via facebooks post, comments, likes and all and sometimes i did told her that i have this new friend... as time passes by, she realised it and she do nt talk to me anymore till now... and last time i went home i met my new girl friend and we intercourse....
I left my little family for the first time — once to go away for a weekend with friends, and then for a week to Haiti.
When I first came out, one of my closest friends, who I came out to before I was comfortable enough to make my orientation widely known, was a Christian who believed the heteronormative view of the bible (and to the best of my knowledge still does) but she was extremely loving towards me and a wonderful support at a time when I really needed it.
For the first time I understood in my heart the words of a friend spoken four years earlier when her mother died: «Somehow I feel I am next in line!»
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