Sentences with phrase «first time around»

I gave it a light second coat to cover some spots that I missed first time around.
With his new baby we all have a chance to do a better job than we did first time around.
It's an essential purchase for anyone that missed the game first time around.
After all, if it worked first time around, it's surely going to work the second time round too, right?
I did the same thing first time around and accidentally made too much!
Yes, I know the original is held in high regard, but I never liked it much first time around.
I took my exam may 1, 2014 and passed first time around!
For those that missed the boat first time around, this will give new players the most realistic sense of what it was like to play the original and should not be missed.
I bought lots of maternity clothes when I was pregnant first time around.
On our short order form, we ask for key information from you up front that allows us to hit pretty close to the bulls - eye first time around.
I go to two groups a week and they are with the mums I met first time around.
Great for those with a large collection of older games and those who missed out on some classics first time around.
Chances are you won't create the perfect ad first time around.
OK folks — I've added a bit to the posts about pain because I obviously didn't make it very clear first time around.
We can not promise you that you'll choose THE right partner first time around, but if you need to log in again and search some more — that's ok too.
Come and take our relationship questionnaire and put us to the test to find you some suitable matches first time around.
Everyone's a rookie first time around and it's easy to make mistakes - mistakes that could cost you a lot.
They're certainly looking to release the PS4 first this time around, but I wouldn't hold your breath just yet.
At first it's new campaign, complete with a somewhat forgettable story, might seem like a way to tick a box that was missing first time around.
Whoever your interviewer, don't take it personally — even if you don't feel the same connection as you did first time around.
A new - and - improved 7 - inch version of the Android tablet is likely to include many of the features Amazon left out first time around in order to get the first device out for Christmas.
Burnout Paradise was a damn fantastic racer and this remaster just highlights many of the reasons why it did so well first time around, whilst also managing to reignite that desire for more from the Burnout universe.
First time around when it was first airing, I just couldn't get into lost.
It says what I experienced first time around, that it will be difficult but you get through it and the most important thing is YOU and baby, if you're well the baby will be happier.
Outside of the Star Cards and easier access to Heroes, the multiplayer in Star Wars Battlefront II feels like much of the same as we saw first time around.
I always used the odd jar — especially first time around, they are a lifesaver.
I hadn't seen this post first time around!!
THE MANAGER MC: Pep Guardiola won the title in his first season with both Barcelona and Bayern Munich, but seemed to find the Premier League tougher than he expected first time around, with Manchester City fading badly after a great start.
and Don't forget the tin foil — I did first time around which may have been why the quinoa version didn't taste as great, but second time around it was perfect.
Breastfeeding first time around had proved to be more difficult than I had ever anticipated, and maybe my mom's beloved handbook would prove useful.
With so much competition it is very likely that your CV will only receive a skim read first time around.
A further point leading to the remission was that the council had not led evidence of the exact cost of extending the pay protection to the 245; they had only given minimum and maximum possible figures, which did not impress the EAT, the judge commenting that the tribunal on remission would «need a lot more help than was given first time around».
It's all about trial and error so don't be disheartened if it doesn't go according to plan first time around.
Hopefully there will be no word of this game requiring the «New» 3DS, and fans can either re-live the classic game, or if like me you missed this one first time around you can make up for lost time.
Contrary to the opinion of my esteemed colleague, it is unfortunately my duty to report that Iron Man 2 fails to live up to the promise made by (the somewhat misguided) Iron Man, and becomes close to tedious at points thanks mainly to the absence of the charm Robert Downey Jr. brought to bear first time around.
He also spent that year making himself more employable, and he has some tips for you on how to ensure you get a job first time around.
You don't offer the real offer first time around, if he did then he really would be negotiating like a fuckwit.
With a subtle, yet engrossing mix of comedy, intrigue, conspiracy, betrayal, mythology, magic, sadness, rage, joy and excitement wrapped up in a wonderfully charming oriental package, there are considerably worse ways of investing the 20 - 25 hours it'll take you to play through first time around.
For those who missed out on one of the greatest racers ever first time around, Burnout Paradise drops you off in the high - octane streets of Paradise City, a fictional world that brings racing to an all - new level.
Unfortunately, Ed fluffed the delivery first time around.
Martha Crago, dean of graduate studies at McGill University, told Next Wave that «most of the recommendations were approved by the Senate first time around [April 2000], which is a statement of how willing the academic community is to address these issues.»
The campaign weighs in at around the 15 hour mark first time around, plenty of post game content in the form of free battles, dlc missions and side quests.
For those that experienced it last generation there is little here to warrant another purchase, but for the many out there that skipped Sleeping Dogs first time around I strongly encourage you to give the Definitive Edition a try.
It took two attempts (an overproof on the school run first time around) but this is a fantastic recipe.
Childhood immunisation programmes against highly infectious viruses, such as measles, are particularly important as these infections can cause serious and even fatal complications first time around.
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