Sentences with phrase «first time around he»

She had the birth she wanted the first time around.
The first time around we worked hard to raise the full amount needed to adopt but the second time I only worked part time so we had nothing saved or had any idea how to raise 35,000.
You'll see a baby with a syncletic come in right angle where too big on the first time around and the second time they make it look easy, with a little bit smaller baby who wants to comes to pelvis you know the right sort of the right angles you need.
I know for me the first time around, there was a sense of urgency to know it all well in advance, but trust that you will have them soon enough once you make that visit.
Wish I had read this the first time around.
Let's talk about a little bit why ladies decided to make the switch or may have been something that you were struggling with breastfeeding the first time around.
Fortunately, since they're older, they usually catch on way quicker than they did the first time around.
But having to think of that stuff in advance of going to the hospital was so stressful, the first time around!
I'm one of those weird cases that actually went from oversupply to undersupply very quickly, due to my daughter's poor latch (the first time around).
Now I have a theory that I was actually much farther along the first time around, but like any mammal in the wild, I undialated in such a harsh and stressful environment.
I'll admit it, I was a bit biased when it came to this since I failed at baby - wearing the first time around.
A common chuckle among moms who have already given birth is looking back to what we thought we wanted out of a birth experience the first time around versus what we actually wound up wanting.
Although this may not be your first time around — it is your first time with this baby, and each baby is different.
I missed this first time around.
You won't have those same fears you may have had the first time around.
I think (read: I hope) a lot of moms feel the same way, though, and especially the first time around.
Perhaps there was already so much I was overwhelmed by during my first time around as a new mom.
As a second time mom and just over a year after # 1, I don't exactly need a refresher course yet, but would have been interested in more information on what happens after a c section the first time around.
Much like you, I fought it the first time around so I found myself pacing around in the middle of the night trying to get my son to sleep so I could put him in his crib and wake him up in the process.
Plus, the first time around neither you nor your baby knows what you're doing.
My first time around, however, I was losing it at the hospital.
I did my research and ended up choosing a real winner the first time around, Baby Stella's Playtime Potty Chair.
If I learned anything from the first time around it's to be flexible.
Q: I am pregnant with my second and the first time around I was not successful at breastfeeding.
That simple lesson... oh I wish I'd have known that the first time around.
I haven't ever had to do CIO again after the initial go, but from what I have read, it isn't ever as long or difficult as the first time around.
Regarding your low supply the first time around: there are so many different reasons why that can happen.
I didn't realize this the first time around, but luckily I had great...
First time around, I had trouble nursing in the early days.
Funny story, when I was pregnant the first time around I didn't know much about breastfeeding and I read somewhere that babies nurse every two hours.
I often ended up having to take off both my shirt and my bra to feed my son the first time around because without a nursing bra it's just too hard and unsafe to do it any other way.
First time around you think that you are being normal — it's only with hindsight that you can see that you were slightly crazy!
I was too overwhelmed the first time around to realize this before it passed me by.
My hormones were much more even, and I had none of the anxiety I experienced the first time around.
I didn't realize this the first time around, but luckily I had great support in place so I was well taken care of.
The first time around I was very blessed and received meals for 4 weeks but this time around I won't be most likely.
If I had known previously the features that comes with the Chicco chair and how much more accommodating they were, I would have purchased the Chicco chair the first time around!
They wanted to break it as soon as I got there but I knew from the first time around that once that happened the baby would come fast so I kept telling them no because I just honestly didn't feel like pushing yet, like I somehow wanted to postpone all of the drama.
It's okay, I don't really regret it, but it was a different experience than the first time around when it broke on it's own.
For my second trimester the first time around I was traveling to the other side of the country, hanging out with friends and family and had that second trimester energy everyone always tells you about during the first trimester fog.
Because being pregnant at home still sucks and, in many cases, the same way it did the first time around when I spent my days in a cubicle.
She was an amazing resource and coach the first time around!
Laura Cecil: The second time around I was sort of, I had this fear in my mind you know, it's not, it's not gonna work, it's not gonna work the first time around because a lot of people were telling me it would be different.
Kerry and her husband Rob, are the authors of the new book, How to Have Your Second Child First: 100 Things That Are Good to Know... the First Time Around (Chronicle Books).
The first time around, we baby - proofed the hell out of our apartment.
Breastfeeding: Promoting It Even if I Didn't Get Lucky The First Time Around by Glamma Momma (Mommy Erl's Online Diary)
The first time around, I headed straight to the hospital, hooked up to the epidural, pushed her out and breathed a sigh of relief.
To be honest, I never would have gone for a home birth my first time around.
In my first time around I had a difficult time with breast feeding.
But, since hindsight is 20/20, the insights gathered are from mothers who missed the boat the first time around, but wish they hadn't on some particular things.
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