Sentences with phrase «first waketime»

Often the first waketime is the shortest.
So McKenna's first waketime is 50 minutes.

Not exact matches

Erin, For the first nap, she would likely need a shorter waketime.
First I can not get our day to start at waketime.
LaceyLS, I would try it putting her down at the first sign of sleepiness and see what happens.If she falls asleep faster, then you know she can use a shorter waketime.
I did babywise and CIO with my first so I have a pretty good idea of optimal waketimes and reading cues.
I'm not sure if she's getting too much waketime before that first nap... I usually go walking with her in the morning and often she'll fall asleep in the stroller and when I get home I'll put her in bed, but I've also tried nixing the walk and scheduling just an hour or so of waketime so she won't be as sleepy going down for a nap and she still rises early.
Also, in reading about your working with Kaitlyn on her waketimes, I was wondering if you meant that each week she mastered a waketime (week one, mastered the first morning waketime, week two the second, etc.) and that you kept adding one or if you just worked on one and then the next week worked on another, allowing her to sleep immediately after her feeding in the morning if necessary.
I try to cut waketime, extend waketime, the room is dark i use withe noise, my baby is little colichy but in the first day he had more gas pain but sleeps well for naps.
I would first try to tone down stimulation and then if that dosn't work, add five minutes waketime at a time.
Lsn, His waketime length is quite long for an 8 week old — even now at 10 - 11 weeks, he should be up for 60 - 90 minutes before his first nap.
Since you want the 8 AM waketime, that is why I would go for the dreamfeed first.
Courtney, the first thing to check is optimal waketime.
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