Sentences with phrase «first wave»

The phrase "first wave" refers to the initial occurrence or outbreak of something, often used in the context of a pandemic or a series of events. Full definition
What you will need to watch is what will happen to the when the very first wave of people who just became eligible for forgiveness in the program actually get their loans forgiven.
In the water, you will be taught how to swiftly stand up on the board without falling off, how to pick up your very first wave, and even ride it.
We hear a lot about first wave, second wave, and third wave feminism.
In the meantime, the festival is excited to announce a selected first wave of titles, along with several special happenings.
Once you've ridden that first wave chances are you will want to stay in the water all day long.
Plus, «I learned to give in to my body's first wave of fatigue instead of staying up,» she says.
We will be focusing on beach safety, board control, catching your very first waves and getting you to your feet.
Charities in first wave of CRA audits were largely opponents of Conservatives» energy policies
And here we go... Along with first wave lineup announcement, comes a batch of new stills for movies hitting the Sundance Film Festival.
It's smartly installed, too: Six themed sections play fast and loose with chronology, creating novel, intergenerational girls» clubs instead of falling back on first wave / second wave distinctions....»
With the second wave announced, I want Diddy Kong as well as Yoshi (from first wave) now.
All the highlights of the news from yesterday with stories on SXSW sets Mark Duplass as 2015 keynote speaker and announces first wave of panels and ABC gives put pilot commitment to Bachelor Party, a half - hour comedy anthology series loosely inspired by the 1984 movie.
Topics of discussion will include the balance between the streamlined pathway for biosimilars and the procedural protections in place for branded companies; understanding the standard for irreparable harm from illegal market entry; and considerations for first wave versus second wave preliminary injunctions.
man Little Deviants, ModNation Racers Road Trip and Wipeout 2048 would be nice to have as first wave of instant collection on the vita, im still waiting on Road Trip online multiplayer patch lol
Questionnaire data were gathered from 435 Dutch adolescent best friends (mean age at first wave = 12.97) over a period of 5 years with annual assessments.
Each of the seven new amiibos follow the design of the previously released first wave from last year.
The thesis of the book was that the progress made by first wave feminists («the old suffragettes») had plateaued.
The device's official launch date followed on Friday, November 3 in dozens of first wave launch countries.
So here's something I just posted on their site to rile them up: Postmodern conservatives aren't first wave liberals and are anti-Cartesian in the spirit of Maritain / Percy / Deneen / MacIntyre, while thinking Maritain himself is too Kantian and Deneen / MacIntyre are too Marxist.
This is part of the approach abolitionists and first wave feminists propose as they developed a method of interpreting Scripture that exposed both theological errors and the self - interest of slave - owner.
Following first wave selections, a further 22 athletes have been added to the Great Britain team for Sweden
First wave behavioural approaches («sleep training») disrupt the infant's circadian clock, risking increased night - waking
In teaching people surfing found out you can relive the feeling of your own first wave over and over again.
Given all the buzz surrounding that extensive first wave of inexpensive Windows Mixed Reality headsets up for grabs now, and the reported delay of a highly anticipated HoloLens sequel until 2019, it was safe to assume Microsoft's focus lied mainly on the former project.
As soon as they catch there first wave they are hooked and you know right away they will be quizing you later about gear to invest in etc...
When traders have an extended first wave, the rule of thumb prevails to look for placing put options, but only after the fourth wave has formed.
The crowds began to acclaim her, and she grew more responsive — first waving shyly, then giving the thumbs - up sign and, at last, blowing kisses.
Ketut was down at Uluwatu from around 8.00 AM and at first wave height was only coming through in the 3 - 4ft range.
On the left side of the page, Major noted this about 6 hours ago: «The preview schedule: We close sign ups later today and (if all goes well) send first wave of notification emails Friday»
Few would disagree that Nolan's highly impressive track record justified the kind of hype afforded to Interstellar, but when the disappointing first wave of reviews came through for the American release of the film, that hype backfired.
The new element in the late sixties was the coming of age of the diverse first wave of the baby boom generation of artists born between 1937 and 1950.
Following a decent first wave of intelligent Q - branded timepieces, the extensive «group» of tier 1 licenses is almost ready to unleash over 300, yes, three hundred next - gen «connected watch styles» catering to every possible budget.
Like so many of these other first wave 1080p handsets, the ZTE Grand has a five - inch display.
Comedy Central announces first wave of performers at Night of Too Many Stars (The Wrap).
With the second wave announced, I want Diddy Kong as well as Yoshi (from first wave) now.
First wave behavioural approaches («sleep training») do not decrease infant night - waking or improve maternal mood
It's in July that Nintendo launched the very first wave of Animal Crossing amiibo cards in Japan.
Meanwhile, I'm working on a couple more 4K Ultra HD reviews, as well as reviews of GKids» new first wave of Studio Ghibli BD releases.
«The first wave of big data technology did very little to make data accessible to the business, and to accelerate how easily business can use data to transform customer experience,» Argyros once explained.
The first wave of buyers had to deal with a system update that prevented them from playing games for anywhere from one to five hours, sporadic system outages, and delayed anticipated features.
GoldieBlox — which creates storybooks and toys designed to promote science and engineering to young girls — first proved its social media mettle in fall 2012, scoring close to $ 300,000 via Kickstarter to cover the costs of manufacturing its first wave of products.
Microsoft pushed the first wave of operating system fixes for the security flaw on Wednesday and expects to release more in the coming days.
In the first wave of the Internet, it was regionally distributed.
The first wave was the creation of the basic infrastructure of the internet to make it navigable by consumers, and the second was building the structures on top of that internet that allow for everything from search to customer relationship management.
The first wave of 5G deployment will take place in buildings and densely populated urban areas.
Shortly after the fall of the Berlin Wall but before the German reunion, the first wave of data of the GSOEP was collected in East Germany.

Phrases with «first wave»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z