Sentences with phrase «fiscal conservative the person»

I know there are a lot of fiscal conservative people (and a lot fo dems are fiscally conservative still and business friendly) agree with biden on some of those stances.

Not exact matches

If the current Senate GOP budget — or anything close to it — becomes our fiscal roadmap, no person supporting it will be able to claim to be a fiscal conservative or supporter of fiscal responsibility.
Posted by Nick Falvo under child benefits, Conservative government, corporate income tax, early learning, economic crisis, education, fiscal federalism, fiscal policy, housing, income support, income tax, Indigenous people, inequality, minimum wage, Ontario, poverty, progressive economic strategies, recession, social indicators, social policy, taxation, unemployment.
Posted by Nick Falvo under aboriginal peoples, Alberta, Conservative government, federal budget, fiscal federalism, homeless, housing, Indigenous people, poverty, Role of government, social policy.
«If by a fiscal conservative, one means a person who wants to reduce the size of government through less government spending, lower taxes, balanced budgets and lower debt burdens, then Harper is clearly not a fiscal conservative
When people ask me «what I am» politically, I respond «I'm a politically independent fiscal conservative who believes regulation and government are necessary, but too many regulations and too much government stifle innovation.»
People who are conservative but atheist tend to lean to fiscal conservatism and social non-conservatism.
BTW There are many people who attend the Monday meeting who support gay marriage the one thing they all have in common is they are fiscal conservatives not social conservatives again you are mistaken and WRONG.
The former Massachusetts governor told an audience of more than one thousand people that Santorum was not a fiscal conservative, and accused him of contributing to the rising federal deficit during his time in the Senate.
«We both ran as fiscal conservatives as people who were business people,» said Tenney.
SL: The stars and the moons don't come together like they did this past year where a fiscal conservative with a proven track record is what people are looking for.
These statements might sound like the rhetoric used by extreme animal rights groups, but they come from White Coat Waste — a new, unlikely coalition of fiscal conservatives and liberal activists that aims to end federal funding for research involving dogs and other animals by targeting people's pocketbooks in addition to their heartstrings.
(You know, that lost middle with fiscal conservatives who are socially not in other people's business.)
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