Sentences with phrase «fiscal policy affects»

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There are other headwinds affecting the global markets: somewhat slower growth in China, declining commodity markets, the uncertainties surrounding the coming end of QE2, and more restrictive fiscal policies in many countries.
There was not much experience with how an expansive fiscal policy would affect exchange rates.
However, a large literature concludes that the equilibrium real short - term rate is very unlikely to be constant, with its value affected by many factors, including the pace of technological change, fiscal policy and the evolution of financial conditions.3
Fiscal policy: The way in which the federal government can affect the economy through tax and spending policies.
And as investors, it is worth asking how a material fiscal change may affect the trajectory of monetary policy.
Each year, many governments across the globe enact new fiscal, monetary, regulatory, and trade policies that may affect the financial markets.
In a forthcoming report from New York University's Rudin Center for Transportation Policy and Management by Eric Kober entitled «Uses and Abuses of Value Capture for Transit,» Kober writes that the first, similar iteration of the proposal «diverts New York City's largest and most stable tax source in a manner that could affect the City's fiscal stability.»
The Fiscal Policy Institute (FPI) is an economic think tank that focuses on issues that affect the quality of life and economic well - being of New York State residents.
«Policies raising the wage floor increase the take - home pay of affected workers without hurting employment levels overall,» the economists wrote in a letter posted to the left - leaning Fiscal Policy Institute's website.
I was most interested in how governments utilize economic indicators and how those affect monetary and fiscal policy.
Fiscal policy includes government spending and taxation, which can affect the money supply.
In addition, inflation, corporate finances, and government fiscal policy can affect bond prices.
While the rate was left unchanged last month — and it's too early to see how President Donald Trump's fiscal policies will affect the nation's economic outlook — Harker cautioned that he didn't want to «get behind the curve» when it comes to setting interest rates.
Trading the Grains offers us diversity from the financials and are less affected by fiscal and monetary policy from the central banks.
So while parliament's choice of candidate may not directly affect climate policy the rise of its eurosceptic minority might constrain the new president's ability to act and change the emphasis given to fiscal responsibility versus emissions controls.
However most analysts consider the insurance market to be in recession during the 2015 to 2016 fiscal, which has adversely affected new individual policy premium collections.
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