Sentences with phrase «fiscal room»

We believe the government will do better than forecast and that there is fiscal room for a second round of temporary stimulus, although it need not be as large as the first.
The 2011 - 12 deficit of $ 26.2 billion is only 1.5 per cent of GDP and there is plenty of fiscal room to take appropriate fiscal action.
There is little fiscal room for manoeuvre for George Osborne.
And according to the PBO, fiscal room available to the federal government exactly offsets the fiscal gap faced by the provinces.
To pay for it all, the Liberal government used up roughly $ 20 billion of additional fiscal room over the coming years that came from economic improvements, reprofiled infrastructure commitments and lower - than - expected departmental spending.
Somewhat ironically, the new program is an unintended consequence of the regressive policies of the Harper government which opened up the needed fiscal room for progressive change.
First, is there fiscal room in the budget in 2011 - 12 and 2012 - 13 that would allow a second round of temporary stimulus should Canada experience declining output?
In the spirit of Mad Men's Don Draper, we didn't like what was being said about Labour (that the party can't be trusted with public money), so we changed the conversation (by fronting up to enough cuts to create fiscal room for a set of policy priorities distinctly Labour and different from those of the Tory - led government).
The President's proposed increases for climate science and renewable energy will remain controversial, but extra fiscal room might temper any push for cuts.
Coming into the current appropriations cycle, the President and Congress had limited fiscal room with which to work.
Conservative Leader Stephen Harper has made balanced budgets a key plank in the campaign debate and his government's April budget left little fiscal room for other parties to promise significant new spending.
Justin Trudeau and his Liberals sensed a change of mood around the sanctity of balanced budgets and promised to use Canada's fiscal room to jolt a stagnant economy.
That's what the IMF calls «fiscal room
Mr. Harper has already committed to using some of this fiscal room to allow income splitting for families with children under the age of 18; extending the fitness tax credit to adults; and, increasing the tax - free contribution to savings accounts to $ 10,000.
The federal government has the fiscal room to act to support such a strategy.
The PBO concludes that «the federal government has fiscal room to increase spending, decrease revenues, or some combination of both» without jeopardizing fiscal sustainability» 2.
If Italy's growth sinks back to a level below 1 %, the fiscal room for manoeuvre is going to be severely limited.
This would be consistent with recommendations of the G - 20 that countries in sustainable fiscal situations should use this fiscal room to strengthen economic demand.
Mr. Morneau must convince his colleagues that not only has he no fiscal room to spare, but that they will have to make difficult policy trade - offs in the coming years.
That's the fiscal room between Conservative plans and Labour's commitment to balance current spending by 2020.
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