Sentences with phrase «fiscal time»

She knows that no matter how good she is, come tough fiscal times, her job may very well disappear.
In tight fiscal times, the agency «needs more flexibility, not less,» he says.
She said she hopes that spirit will continue, as the state is likely to face equally challenging fiscal times ahead.
Especially in today's tough fiscal times, we must ensure that these gardens do not get unnecessarily thrown on the chopping block.
But in light of these challenging fiscal times, we're thankful that our schools and our kids won't see any further harm.
Another senior backbencher, Nicola Blackwood — who chairs the Commons science committee — added: «I have joined other Conservative MPs asking the Chancellor to look again at the PIP proposals, because I have always believed that even in difficult fiscal times we must do our utmost to protect the most vulnerable.»
A sharply divided Congress is showing few signs that it can defuse the situation before the self - imposed fiscal time bomb explodes, in less than six months» time.
These are tough fiscal times for university external legal budgets as well as for the budgets of others, including those in the private sector.»
Gov. Cuomo proposed a 4.4 percent increase in education spending next year, part of an overall state budget increase of 1.9 percent that signals the beginning of cautiously better fiscal times for the state and the city.
Though welcome to many, these sounded implausible or unaffordable in straightened fiscal times...
Thursday, lawmakers received another print ad in their Albany offices, with the headline «Tough fiscal times mean tough budget choices... at least in New Jersey, Florida and California.»
«Tough fiscal times call for tough budget choices, right?»
Wilson said he expects the next governor will want to work with him on putting together a good budget because of the trying fiscal times.
Cuomo will face the age - old debate in Albany during rough fiscal times: whether state taxes get boosted to accommodate popular spending programs.
The evening was characterized by an elegant modesty, an elusive trait that has become the necessary armor to defend against these troubled fiscal times.
Several districts across California are facing tight fiscal times.
Me thinks that the direction will be «All the government we need, only the government we need» that was used in a campaign of long ago when the state was facing difficult fiscal times, albeit not as difficult as now.
The findings, the think tank says, show that the «fiscal time bomb» often cited by pension hawks may no longer be an abstract concern.
«In challenging fiscal times, it's incumbent on us to take a step back and look at how we're investing money,» says Jon Lorsch, who took over the National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) in Bethesda, Maryland, in August.
City Council Speaker Christine Quinn, one of Bloomberg's strongest allies, was far more optimistic, praising the city for saving money during good fiscal times to provide a cushion when the economy turned for the worse.
State Sen. Joseph Addabbo (D - Howard Beach) and City Councilman Eric Ulrich (R - Ozone Park) sparred over their records and qualifications for Senate at a spirited debate last Thursday at Our Lady of Hope School in Middle Village, with Addabbo portraying himself as a leader who stands up for workers and families during tough fiscal times and Ulrich arguing the effort has not been enough to change New York's economy.
And Trump's policies to date — a combination of deep tax cuts and sharp spending increases — are shortening the fuse on that fiscal time bomb, by dramatically widening the already unsustainable gap between revenues and outlays.
In tight fiscal times, this is a welcome development — there is a lot of money to be made by commercializing university research.
Read more on this at The Fiscal Times.
A big contributor to this low amount could be the Great Recession, which hit Gen X the hardest, costing members of this generation 45 percent of their net wealth on average, according to The Fiscal Times.
The payouts came several weeks before the newly - minted governor, with great fanfare, announced he and his top aides would take a 5 percent pay cut to set an example to the rest of the state in these difficult fiscal times.
«If you have to live within a budget, like each and every one of us do during these tough fiscal times, why not school districts and local governments.»
«During these difficult fiscal times, it's essential that we develop creative public / private initiatives to insure the needs of our community's children are met,» Picente said.
In an exclusive and wide - ranging interview with The Fiscal Times late Wednesday, former New York Governor George Pataki made his strongest suggestion yet that he may jump into the race for the GOP Presidential nomination.
But, if they are to get more, who gets less in these difficult fiscal times, which is exacerbated by the federal cuts?
The Fiscal Times put out a list of America's large cities ranked by their fiscal stability — and New York came in ahead of only troubled Chicago.
NYPA can not afford employee morale - boosting programs during this tough fiscal times, says the Syracuse Post-Standard.
Maureen Mackey of the Fiscal Times sat down for a «wide - ranging» interview with former New York Governor George Pataki, where he made it clear that he is not impressed by the current GOP field.
First District Assemblyman Dan Losquadro, who attended the budget presentation, said he believes the governor has done a good job in crafting a spending plan that's fair in tough fiscal times.
State Sen. Joseph Addabbo (D - Howard Beach) and City Councilman Eric Ulrich (R - Ozone Park) sparred over their records and qualifications for Senate at a spirited debate last Thursday at Our Lady of Hope School in Middle Village, with Addabbo portraying himself as a leader who stands up for workers and families during tough fiscal times and -LSB-...]
During these difficult fiscal times, NYSAC is more important than ever.»
«If the council continues to approach our fiscal times like they did on the Ida Benderson center — or by not making decisions — then we will have a fiscal control board.»
«In these tough fiscal times, access to increased monies for programs and services that have been stretched so thin is a welcome change,» Hoffman said in a statement issued by several of the groups.
While other members said they believed the deal was the best that could be done during such tough fiscal times, the proceedings were interrupted twice by protesters who had begged members to reject the deal because of the cuts.
Then again, even with the tight fiscal times, Congress may choose to add money to the exascale initiative when it gets involved.
Given the difficult fiscal times, any savings from Medicare Part D is clearly important and underscores the significance of the research team's findings.
NASA Administrator Charles Bolden acknowledged that «tough choices had to be made,» adding that these are «really difficult fiscal times
A sign of those fiscal times, people started throwing spare change into the dish antenna.
Twenty years after the first statewide hearings on GLBT youth, the commission is soliciting testimony to challenge and inspire the Commonwealth to do better, even in tight fiscal times.
RH: How did you make all these reforms even in tight fiscal times?
Fiscal times were tight in Florida even before last month's terrorist attacks, owing to the slowdown in the economy.
Counselors Work to Get More Students on College Path Education Week, 9/10/14 In these tight fiscal times, with little likelihood of an influx of funding for school counseling, there is a hope that training will be able to help counselors be more efficient with the time they do have with students, says Mandy Savitz - Romer, a professor in the Harvard Graduate School of Education.
She says the decision to cut the district's contribution to Hillside from $ 1.2 million in 2009 down to $ 800,000 in 2011 was purely due to budgetary constraints, «We had hoped to have it higher but we had to cut several things last year unfortunately due to budget cuts so it's a tight fiscal time but we remain committed to the program.»
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