Sentences with phrase «fish on a commercial basis»

For example, the court specifically mentioned the «insufficient information» that Heiltsuk needed to assess the impacts on their Aboriginal rights, especially information «regarding the risk of an oil spill to herring - spawn - on - kelp — a resource over which the Heiltsuk have an Aboriginal right to fish on a commercial basis....»
In light of Manitoba's constitutional framework as judicially interpreted by the Supreme Court in Horseman and Badger, it would appear at first blush that there is no immediate issue in this province with respect to Aboriginal claims to a treaty right to fish on a commercial basis.

Not exact matches

But commercial quotas are based on where fish were brought into port during the 1980s.
To the Meats, Fruits and Veggies I add 1 Rounded Teaspoon of Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth (Internal Cleansing, Internal Parasite Control & Nutrition), 1 Level Teaspoon of Brewers Yeast (Flea Control & Nutrition), 1 Teaspoon of Braggs Raw Apple Cider Vinegar (Flea Control & Nutrition), 1 Teaspoon of E.V. Olive Oil or Fish Oil (Nutrition), and 1/2 Capsule for each of Milk Thistle, Dandelion, or Red Clover (4 weeks on and then 4 weeks off as a Detox regime for any toxins that built up in their body before I got them because they were given Deadly Pesticide Based Spot - On Flea treatments monthly, Heartworm Medicine, and fed Commercial fooon and then 4 weeks off as a Detox regime for any toxins that built up in their body before I got them because they were given Deadly Pesticide Based Spot - On Flea treatments monthly, Heartworm Medicine, and fed Commercial fooOn Flea treatments monthly, Heartworm Medicine, and fed Commercial food.
San Pedro (economy based on commercial fishing and tourism, mainly involving drying and sports fishing) is roughly 4 miles to the north.
• The Gray whale was delisted on the basis of a short letter from the Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission, representing 14 commercial fishing groups and 19 tribes.
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