Sentences with phrase «fishing practices around the world»

With BLOOM, Nouvian is now actively working to end fishing subsidies that encourage overfishing and destructive fishing practices around the world.

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It provides a large quantity of food to many countries around the world, but those who practice it as an industry must often pursue fish far into the ocean under adverse conditions.
The waters of Puerto Aventuras are recognized around the world for deep sea fishing, making this one of the top 10 destinations in the practice of this sport.
Corals around the world, already threatened by pollution, destructive fishing practices and other problems, are also widely regarded as among the ecosystems likely to be first — and most — threatened with destruction as earth's climate warms.
Indeed, while some have pointed fingers at pollution and construction of dams — the Yangtze is home to the world's largest — mostly to blame are local fishing practices that sustain millions of people around the Yangtze but which involve harmful gill nets, rolling hooks or electrical stunning.
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