Sentences with word «fisk»

The word "fisk" can have different meanings, but it is most commonly used as a verb that means to thoroughly and vigorously criticize or refute someone's argument or point of view. Full definition
It's another post fisking someone at the Guardian — but not Damien Walters.
Notably, Joe Konrath and Barry Eisler went to real length to counter the Maassian interpretation, in Fisking Donald Maass.
Well, I spent the last two nights going back and trying to update and then even fisk my own post from five years ago about pricing.
I Luv fisk - nets, pink silk panties and short little skirts... My body is: 44» -29» -34» slim at 169 lbs.
I just said this in my recent post with Barry, fisking Gottlieb:
I sent a copy of Joe's «Fisking Hugh Howey» post to a reporter I know at the Chicago Tribune, suggesting it would add balance to a pro-Hachette column written by Christopher Borrelli and published in that newspaper.
There's been a LOT of debate about this lately, from the dismissive traditional agent actively pissing everyone off: Donald Maass's semi-infamous post defending the establishment, J. A. Konrath's epic fisking of said post (and loads of other great stuff on the superiority of the open, self - publishing marketplace), plus some middle of the road analysis from Jim Hines, a traditionally published SFWA author (though I think he mis - understands and mis - states Konrath's position).
That's why I thought I might actually try fisking it, but alas, even that was too silly.
Plus I give the Amazon letter a thorough fisking.
Thanks for taking the time to do a proper fisking of this worthless article.
Also, I try to fisk using the tone of the original poster.
As a witness to unbearable horror during his years in the Middle East, Robert fisk has — on occasion — been lost for words.
Let Eli playfully fisk this with instructions for the whiners
Stokes» most recent post, entitled «What Steve McIntyre Won't Show You Now», contains a series of lies and fantasies, falsely claiming that I've been withholding MM05 - EE analyses from readers in my recent fisking of ClimateBaller doctrines, falsely claiming that I've «said very little about this recon [MM05 - EE] since it was published» and speculating that I've -LSB-...]
eight) In 2007, attorney and CEI fellow Chris Horner publishes a particularly skewed and misleading book called «The Politically Incorrect Guide to Global Warming and Environmentalism», which remains due for a major fisking.
Now some, not Eli to be sure, might consider Eli's behavior in this matter to be a tad evil, but there is good science to be learned fisking Ward apart.
Konrath mentioned it almost offhandedly in a comment on his own blog post fisking an open letter from MacMillan CEO... #authorearnings #kdpselect #kindleunlimited
That said, sarcasm is an effective tool in fisking.
Later the same day, however, he was Fisking Chuck Wendig, his fellow author, for questioning the first release of the petition.
Five Years is Forever in Indie Publishing... Well, I spent the last two nights going back and trying to update and then even fisk my own post from five years ago about pricing.
Jim, would you consider providing a link directly to it, rather than (or addition to) the DWS link that goes to the Konrath fisk and then FINALLY
Careful not to generalize, fisk!
-LSB-...] the holes in a pro-Tory «fisk» of an FT report» — submitted by markpack.
I think that's one of the most thorough «fiskings» we have hosted on Next Left.
I have fisked his posts before because he is so clearly a fan, with a capital F, of traditional publishing and usually has little good to say about indie and small press publishing.
I do my best to get that message out there, and that sometimes means being controversial so I get a bunch of people retweeting their followers to check out who I'm fisking.
The letter from Hachette authors was nonsense — I fisked the hell out of it.
Every gatekeeper I've fisked has sported bullshit, and I fisked Maass because he was doing so.
If you'd like to make a case for me being a segregationist, fisk me.
However, since I know Kate is fisking the situation Thursday and because Dave did such a great job looking at what's happening yesterday — and the fact I have a feeling we're going to be hearing a lot more until the Awards are announced, I'll leave off on it for now.
What started as a post discussing J. A. Konrath's take on publishing gatekeepers turned into a fisking of a well - known agent (needless to say, I agreed with Konrath and not the agent).
She tagged Dave, Kate and myself and «asked» which of us would be the first to fisk the article Dave linked to about publishers hiring «sensitivity readers».
As of this morning, the piece has well over 600 comments, and at least one solid «fisking
Add to that the fact that the same person who penned the post I fisked followed up with another article about why the «vast majority of self - published authors will never be taken seriously», and I've come to the conclusion that the premise he'd been as insulting — and I'm being nice here — as he was was simply to drive traffic to the site.
Konrath mentioned it almost offhandedly in a comment on his own blog post fisking an open letter from MacMillan CEO John Sargent.
Ultimately, I decided to spend some time doing this fisk because I see too many authors still crossing their fingers, holding out for legacy deals.
Peter Gleick was unhappy enough with the interview that he fisked it.
In instances such as Brownstein's A Mayday Manifesto for Clean Energy, wherein every sentence is either dross or wrong, there is only one way to set the record straight: Brownstein must be Fisked *.
Related: Fisked; fisking.
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