Sentences with phrase «fits in the category of»

Really Cool Foods ships its products — many of which fit in the category of home meal replacement (HMR)-- predominantly from Indiana to Texas, Minnesota and locations east.
When it comes to swimwear, there are always two options that come to mind: a one piece or a two piece, considering a tankini fits in the category of a two piece.
Would I still fit in the category of maximizing fat loss / gaining muscles diet + training plan?
Pumpkin bread definitely fits in the category of good, comfort food and I hope you and your family will enjoy this recipe soon.
Dogtooth fits in the category of the latter.
This kind of exhibition fits in the category of «post-internet show» (have a look at the last Berlin Biennale above all).
As these things are fitting in category of predictable - and global decadal volcanic prediction isn't as an amusing game at this time - though the «right» volcanic events could change this into a new poplar fetish.
She disagrees with me that they write bills that could become laws, but if you look at the name American Legislative Exchange Council you see it in the name — Legislative Exchange which, to me, means changing legislation and since there are lobbyist close to ALEC members it fits in the category of writing laws!
Although that is not an acid test, it is certainly a good indicator if you fit in the category of those people a recruiter would seek.
Those who fit in the category of Dental Assistant I only need a seven - hour course in nitrous oxide - oxygen conscious sedation.
Creating your own... MORE wooden bar cart squarely fits in that category of do - it - yourself home decor projects that won't tax your bank account, your skills or your patience.

Not exact matches

And with that, you are mentally placed out of mind, buried in the list of those the person already knows who fit that same category or space.
Me: «What I do doesn't fit into one of those categories that people have in their mental filing cabinet, so it's kind of hard to explain in a classification.
New York Times bestselling author Malcolm Gladwell wrote extensively about Kenna in his 2005 book Blink, arguing Kenna's music - a cross between rap and the British new wave music of the 1980s - failed to gain widespread acclaim in the U.S. because it didn't fit into any familiar category.
In the Lyft case, U.S. District Judge Vince Chhabria said in his decision that he's not sure if Lyft drivers fit in either category of California's «outdated» employment codeIn the Lyft case, U.S. District Judge Vince Chhabria said in his decision that he's not sure if Lyft drivers fit in either category of California's «outdated» employment codein his decision that he's not sure if Lyft drivers fit in either category of California's «outdated» employment codein either category of California's «outdated» employment codes.
The Callaway Mack Daddy 4 family of wedges fits in this category, as Callaway's designers have created a new design in the grooves of the wedges that is almost impossible to see, but that simply delivers results.
It doesn't just show you products in the same category as others you've bought but offers intelligent suggestions for all kinds of content — music, movies and more — based on users who fit your profile.
THERE was a 52 per cent increase in businesses operating in the computer service industry in the three years to June 1999, with 14,731 businesses fitting into this category, according to recent Australian Bureau of Statistics data.
It fits all the categories of what a traveler should look for in a travel rewards credit card.
Undoubtedly there are visionary entrepreneurs who are designing mobile products right now that don't fit in any of the above categories.
Building on the success of emerging brands and retailers in the category (Eloquii, Universal Standard, Dia & Co, 11Honore), as well as on the scale of legacy retailers (Lane Bryan, Torrid, FullBeauty) catering to this underserved audience, CoEdition is intent on providing an elevated shopping experience that provides the best selection of contemporary merchandise, while helping consumers find the right size and fit.
Companies can «compare the products of other vendors in your category» all day long... but without the proper Fit criteria such as Industry, Department budget, or complimentary technologies - a sale will never happen.
Amazon is exploring the possibility of selling custom - fit clothing, tailored to the more precise measurements of customers, and it has considered acquiring clothing manufacturers to further expand its presence in the category.
I've now come to believe that the value proposition in a business model (value proposition is the fancy name for your product or service) fits into either one of two categories:
Certificates of deposit and plain old savings accounts are often a fit in this category.
Because the sense of «fitting in» is so important when looking for an overseas retirement destination, it has been given its own category.
These decisions gave Congress the power to contract or expand the category of «commerce» as it saw fit; to declare alcohol, traditionally considered a commodity, irrelevant to interstate commerce and thus a matter for the states to deal with; or, in Champion v. Ames, to deem lottery tickets, traditionally not considered a commodity, commercial items subject to regulation by the federal government.
Well confusing intelligence with specific knowledge fits well with the whole theme of the article which confuses statistics with wishes and atheists and agnostics with some strange category of believers in nothing in particular (quantify that!).
Third, I most atheists I know (and I know a lot more than 59) fit in at least 4 or 5 of these categories and some fit all six.
But I will say this Jordan Peele wrote a masterpiece that has horror, drama, suspense and comedy in it... And it all was good so hey maybe it just fits in a bunch of categories!!!
For it is not in rational explanations about God — explanations that fit our systems of knowledge and our human categories of experience — that we learn who God is and how to love God; it is in the response, «I am the Lord's servant.»
It is also striking that many of the women already named, as well as others such as Frances Young in Birmingham, Deborah Sawyer in Lancaster, Esther Reed in St. Andrews, Harriet Harris in Exeter, Jackie Stewart in Leeds, Elaine Graham in Manchester, Marcella Althaus - Reid in Edinburgh, and Catherine Pickstock and Margie Tolstoy in Cambridge, simply do not fit usual categories of feminist or other theology.
On the other hand, I've started in this way because my experience of people living out their vocations doesn't always fit easily into these categories.
Sometimes I get tired of «living in the tension» and I long for the days when everything in life fit into neat and tidy categories of right and wrong, black and white, good and bad, us and them.
Partly because Christianity was a novelty in its own right and was a «speech - event,» and partly because it arose out of a tradition of Judaism and the Orient, these categories do not fit.
If you are interested in using my images for these purposes (advertising, marketing, merchandise, books, magazine covers, etc.) or any other purpose which does not fit into any of the above categories, please contact me with details and I will quote a price based on your intended specific use (haywardart (at)
In the latter camp are all those who do not accept the left's agenda and its self - proclaimed leadership, a category into which the overwhelming majority of South Africa's evangelicals fit.
The elaborate categories and hierarchies of order that Kuntz propounds are his own, rather than either of theirs, and both philosophers fit into Kuntz's esoteric metaphysical scheme only uncomfortably, at best.14 Far more valuable, in my opinion, are the specific doctrinal, historical, and biographical comparisons that can be drawn between both thinkers, to which Kuntz along the way in the Russell volume contributes a number of valuable additions.
Much has been made in the past decade or so of the historical - redemptive narrative: the belief that the story of God and His interactions with His people fit into four categories (or stages) we call Creation, Fall, Redemption, Consummation (or shalom).
I am 52 years old and find that much of the churches have men in a one size fits all category.
This dual approach tends to fit into the Niebuhrian categories of Christ and Culture in Paradox and Christ Transforming Culture.
Answer, I waiting for you atheists to post some form of truth, starting with which abomination category of Jesus» do you fit in that you despise we live His truth?
Judaism, and membership in the Jewish people, fit no category of faith and religion familiar to most Christians.
science and math are evil in the minds of the powers that be, and churches are full of government employees seeking salvation from their daily human rights abuses, you can be a parishioner but you really aren't if you do nt fit the category of government employee or super gossiper.
Since God transcends any of the categories of human intelligence into which we may try to fit Him, the only question is whether we do less injustice to His majesty by referring to Him in personal pronouns, or by using impersonal abstract nouns, such as «Ground of Being» and «First Cause.»
Obviously, Paul was a force to be reckoned with, but as David suggested, his use of polemics, not to mention the recently (40 yrs) discovered art of ancient rhetoric help us to place his words in the category of particular and avoid the generalities of «one size fits all» This is important stuff to consider when trying to make sense of an apostle that wished castration on some, while preaching a gospel of love to all the world.
Perhaps one could call it a simplification of and variation on the English class - system which had a hereditary monarchy on top, followed in descending succession by clearly demarked classifications of nobility, a complex church hierarchy, a landed gentry, a rising merchant class, simple yeomen, and vast numbers of unfranchised people who fitted none of those categories.
That's why we had to include a section in our eCookbook for all of the soups that didn't fit into other categories!
COO Bryan Merryman says that although a lot of people have done away unnecessary spending in light of the tough economic times, simple things like chocolate don't fit into that category.
Fortunately for us, many of our bigger - selling products in China actually fit in a couple of other categories
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