Sentences with phrase «fix problem»

I want good people to come together to fix this problem of sick people killing large numbers of innocence.
1 pair of hands working to fix a problem does more good than 10 million pairs of hands praying.
The psychiatric profession has made great strides in this type of delusion and maybe a prescription can fix this problem.
penis ass crap damn anal anus sphincter testicles testes pubic boob --- I have found the best way to re-submit is to hit the back button, delete the cookies, look for and fix the problem and then hit «post».
These cells have been found clustering in sites of anomalies or organ malfunctions such as diabetes, again appearing to try to fix the problem.
«The court is not going to let the government slide by on non-binding promises to fix the problem down the road.»
Out of desperation, a segment of the American people turn to an extremist group that promises to fix this problem.
Didn't we fix that problem
Let the owners of the property pay all the taxes — that should fix the problem.
We can't fix a problem we pretend isn't ours to fix.
And it, by «hear the Word of God» you literally mean hearing scripture quoted and / or taught, my first thought is that an iPod can fix that problem — but my feeling is that you sell both God and yourself short.
But I didn't feel this pressure like I have to fix this problem or we will go under, instead I had these open hands almost with laughter going how are you going to do this.
Applied here, no broad ban will fix the problem.
His attempts to fix the problem can never be free of the all - too - human and quite understandable temptation to self - justification.
If she aborts, she can fix the problem and try again.
beaver penis ass crap damn anal anus sphincter testicles testes pubic boob — I have found the best way to re-submit is to hit the back button, delete the cookies, look for and fix the problem and then hit «post».
How can we fix this problem?
I'd like to add to your reasonable comments that this notion that we can nanny fix the problem through appeasing the unappeasable is akin to that old comparison to Neville Chamberlin's appeasement efforts before WW2.
Maybe it's better to fix the problem now.
-- I have found the best way to re-submit is to hit the back button, look for and fix the problem, delete your cookies, and then hit «post».
I needed a plumber's snake and a plumbing fitting to fix the problem.
Think what you'd say to somebody who told you that as answer to how to fix some problem in your life.
Can we fix this problem?
Two thousand years ago a man died to fix the problem.
The worst case was when I tried to fix a problem for weeks under pressure and finally remembered to sit back and pray, and realized in a few minutes that the problem was not in my part of the technology at all, and I was able to locate the person who was able to fix it very quickly.
And then claim you have the ability to fix the problem!
Some vicars in Birmingham and St Albans Dioceses expressed concern that the cards weren't bringing people back to their particular church and wanted to do their own version of soul [food] cards to fix the problem.
There has to be will, a desire to fix this problem and the will of the RCC is not enough to fix poverty throughout the world.
Simple solution to fix this problem immediately.
What I love about this is, the awesome thought that blood was shed in this case to birth something rather than in the second instance to supposedly fix the problem of sin.
«The bishops do not believe the administration's promises to fix the problem for faith - based organizations and self - insured plans.»
This feeds into a problem that we all (particularly men) have — we can fix the problem, and once we do, we'll attribute the solution to God.
There are three simple steps to fix this problem (a world - wide pandemic that has existed for at least 50 years... maybe even since the dark ages)...
I have found the best way to re-submit is to hit the back button, look for and fix the problem, delete your cookies, and then hit «post».
It usually does the victim (er, «patient») more harm than good trying to fix a problem that doesn't exist.
Eventually, the bank got wise to what was happening and sent a police officer to guard the ATM while they tried to fix the problem.
God's reason for this Testament is to fix the problem of one bible, yet hundreds of Christian churches on earth teaching their own version of that one bible.
To sell hell short is to say what Jesus did, to fix our problem isn't all that important, or impressive.
Recognizing this caveat, sinful fornicators quickly resolve to clean up their acts and the pursuit of celibacy is one tool in the salvation toolbox that can fix the problem.
if god put them on earth before the restoration as we were taught, and he is «all knowing» as he is supposed to be, then he will fix the problem.
Bitcoin could conceivably fix this problem with government issued currency by restricting the amount of Bitcoin that can exist.
Arming teachers or bolstering mental health programs, as Trump has suggested, isn't going to fix this problem.
The European Commission's proposals to strengthen financial supervision are likely to prove costly and are trying to fix a problem that doesn't exist, according to Alfi
Well, Mr. Campbell - the shingles are falling off fast and furious and it's time this government committed the adequate amount funding to fix the problem,» said Notley.
Central banking is perhaps history's best example of government attempting to fix a problem — in this case, the instability resulting from the practice of fractional reserve banking — and making things much worse in the process.
The problem isn't the citizenship of buyers, it's the volume of money — and unless you follow the money, you're not going to fix the problem.
If every time your child struggles with financial issues, you step in to fix the problem, your adult child will never learn to deal with those financial issues.
Zuckerberg said that in this case the team «made an enforcement error» and that the company had reached out to the women to fix the problem.
As the debate moves forward on dealing with United States debt, the second richest American has voiced strong opinions on how to fix the problem.
«We could fix this problem today, and by failing to take action, the B.C. Liberal government is failing in its duty to seniors in this province.»
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