Sentences with phrase «flag around my shoulders»

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And that is why, in our prayer at the altar, we ask that the consecration may be brought about for us: Ut nobis Corpus et Sanguis fiat... 3 If I firmly believe that everything around me is the body and blood of the Word, 4 then for me (and in one sense for me alone) is brought about that marvellous «diaphany» which causes the luminous warmth of a single life to be objectively discernible in and to shine forth from the depths of every event, every element: whereas if, unhappily, my faith should flag, at once the light is quenched and everything becomes darkened, everything disintegrates.
Their demonstration, as well as many others around the NFL, came after President Donald Trump said that NFL owners should fire players who «disrespect the flag» by kneeling for the anthem.
I believe that if an organization has volunteer training, program policies and a comprehensive screening process with disqualifiers in place and someone is still discouraged from volunteering — then good because that raises a big red flag that this individual might just have something more that they are worried about and probably shouldn't be around children!
Tailors around the world should fly the flag at half - staff every time I get my hands on a pair of scissors and customize something for myself; case in point this new sweater (used to be) dress.
Megan is explaining that everyone should step carefully around the white flags that mark lupine plants — hosts for the endangered mission blue butterfly.
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