Sentences with phrase «flagship book»

The move sees Eco Comics bringing all its past, present and future titles — including flagship books Green Man, and Dracula vs. Robin Hood vs. Jekyll & Hyde directly to comiXology's global - reaching digital comics platform.
The move sees Eco Comics bringing all its past, present and future titles - including flagship books Green Man, and Dracula vs. Robin Hood vs. Jekyll & Hyde directly to comiXology's global - reaching digital comics platform.
In her flagship book Entertaining, Martha Stewart says, «Entertaining, like cooking, is a little selfish, because it really involves pleasing yourself with a guest list that will coalesce into your ideal of harmony, with a menu orchestrated to your home and taste, with decorations subject to your own eye.
Dyer changed the personal development landscape with his flagship book, Your Erroneous Zones, which became an instant bestseller when it was released in 1976.
I've put a lot of thought and research into doing this, and in my flagship book, The Straightforward Fat Loss Handbook, I coined The Ten Fundamental Laws of Simple and Easy Weight Loss.
Make your first eBook a flagship book that you can expand into articles, short reports, a training course, a live presentation, and more.
He's penned sprawling stories for a number of the publisher's flagship books, including multiple Avengers titles and a contemporary take on the classic X-Men roster.
She has written five books about the business of selling real estate, including her flagship book: «Sell with Soul: Creating an Extraordinary Career in Real Estate without Losing Your Friends, Your Principles or Your Self - Respect».
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