Sentences with phrase «flames of hell»

Pastor (haranguing from pulpit): You're all a bunch of depraved sinners and you're all condemned to the eternally tormenting flames of hell where there will be a terrible wailing and gnashing of teeth!!
Now through the blazing flames of hell he sees that heaven he has lost....
You may not fear Him now but one day you will... you most certainly will... when it is too late and your tongue is silenced forever in the flames of Hell.
The flames of hell are not crimson, orange and yellow, they are BLACK.
Trouble is that after they die it will be too late to change their new situation in the flames of hell.
In the eyes of Christianity, man is sinful and helpless in the face of God, and is potential fuel for the flames of hell.
So by way of example, let's say a person wants to prove that God sends people to burn forever in the flames of hell.
Then will the dead rise, the judgment will take place, and to some the heavenly glory will be revealed while others will be cast into the flames of hell, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
And that if you do not believe it then you will endure unspeakable eternal torture in the flames of hell created by the loving god.
Open up the floor and let me fall straight into the flames of hell, and get it over with flow!»
Wonder too what kind of pitch black darkness there is, that the flames of hell do not light up the area?
God in Christ has closed the chasm of death and quenched the flames of Hell — for every one that believes on Him.
You too can be saved from everlasting torment in the flames of hell.
And so I grew up in the flames of hell; but, somehow I managed to escape into the real world.
To be honest, if the flames of hell turn out to be real flames I would rather burn to ash than experience what Lazarus felt.
Beware, Christians, of the wolf in sheep's clothing, ready to lead the lambs astray to perdition and the flames of Hell.
The flames of hell become a symbol of judgment designed to evoke the emotion of ordered fear, which is healthy for the person when it is balanced with symbols of grace.
The last time I did this presentation this past fall, I was happily surprised to realize that in 8 years, we have come more than 3/4 of the way towards the side of the angels, and that the flames of hell are far, far behind us.
This link takes you to the «evolving» model of the continuum, on which you can track our progress, but I also have the original version I used back in 2002, which is just a piece of posterboard, with pictures at one end of all the junk food being sold / served at that time in our schools, and underneath, the flames of hell licking at the soda bottles and chips....
I showed this poster to our nutrition committee and explained to them that we were starting on the flames - of - hell side, and that we would probably never reach the promised land of the angels and rainbows, but that as long as we were moving towards it every year, and away from the flames of hell, then that would be how we would measure our progress and that we would have to be content with that.
Let bookworms gnaw his entrails in token of the Worm that dieth not, & when at last he goeth to his final punishment, let the flames of hell consume him forever & aye.
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