Sentences with phrase «flash fiction there»

In a good flash fiction there is no over writing because words are at a premium.

Not exact matches

There again, this could be a great theme for a flash fiction collection, each story focusing on a different reviewer of the same book.
I'm working on other projects here and there, and I post flash fiction every week on my blog, but some days I worry that it will never be to a point that will be perfect.
Speaking of hearts, there's one last reward of reviewing that I'd like to mention: that as an author myself, I know how heartwarming it is to receive an enthusiastic review for my own work, and the arrival of not one but two glowing reviews for my latest book, the collection of very short stories (aka flash fiction) has made my week already — and it's still only Tuesday.
1 min readOne thing we've learned from the Wideman flash fiction contest: There are many talented writers out tThere are many talented writers out therethere.
It is still less likely to be read, because people are mostly skimming blogs for information, but there's been growth in the «story blog» recently, so if you have flash fiction you don't intend to send to contests or journals, it's okay to put it on your blog.
I've only got the one novel out, but I could do flash fiction for a while, if there's a readership for it, and then serialize the first novel after the next ones come out.
There's also flash fiction, poetry, and an editorial, plus links to more of the best stories and poetry from the «zine's first 20 years.
However, because flash fiction is so short, there is more room for stories that «hug the plot» so to speak, that focus more on what happened, than on who it happened to.
There are so many types of stories that reading the entire set provides a comprehensive introduction to the many possibilities of flash fiction.
There's not always a clear story behind my stories, particularly my flash fiction, but «Nadine's Broken Heart» began in my creative...
Or a piece of flash fiction if there's a $ 1,000 prize involved.
There is no asking more, no premise of comprehensiveness, because flash fiction is a form that privileges excision over agglomeration...» [iii] One famous example of flash fiction is Ernest Hemingway's six - word story: «For sale: baby shoes, never worn.»
Lately there are brilliant flashes of fiction almost everywhere you look.
I'm very encouraged by # 5 — I love to write poetry, flash fiction, short stories; and it's nice to see there's a market for that kind of writing now.
There will always be a need for good, tightly - written flash fiction pieces — miniature condensations that open out the world for and with us.
There's not always a clear story behind my stories, particularly my flash fiction, but «Nadine's Broken Heart» began in my creative nonfiction classroom, after an extended collaborative exercise on the lyric essay (an exercise loosely adapted from Brenda Miller and Suzanne Paola's Tell It Slant).
In its more mediocre forms flash fiction can feel like a joke told by the sort of coworker who trolls hallways looking for polite people: a pun here, an obvious twist there, everything neatly tied up by a punch - line ending.
There's a homely quality to flash fiction, which is somehow touching — that spot of prose, lonely on a page or two, when we are used to seeing (and if you're my student's brother, avoiding) the thicker covenants of «full - length» stories and novels and essays.
And there are some fine flash fiction examples where stories, one or two pages long, are comprised of just one or two (sometimes quite long) sentences.
(Also note that next week there won't be a flash fiction challenge — I used to try to schedule them while I'm gone, but lately WordPress has had scheduling issues, and gives me an error when I try to schedule half my posts for some reason, and they never go up.
But if you're interested in flash fiction stories in the neighborhood of 500 words each, go check out my blog over there.
Well, the upside of going to Nigeria is that there is plenty of inspiration for crazy flash fiction stories (lol).
There are four elements that every flash fiction piece needs to have if you want it to be good.
This flash / poem (if there is such a thing) is dedicated to my friend Charli, who in her grief for the recent loss of her best friend asked us to write a 99 word Flash Fiction about a breathless moment, to... Continue readflash / poem (if there is such a thing) is dedicated to my friend Charli, who in her grief for the recent loss of her best friend asked us to write a 99 word Flash Fiction about a breathless moment, to... Continue readFlash Fiction about a breathless moment, to... Continue reading →
There was enthusiasm for the possibility of a second Flash Fiction Festival next year.
If you are new to writing flash or micro fiction, there are plenty of useful tips available to help you get started.
There are sometimes other opportunities for young writers listed in the one - off competitions lists, or on the Flash Fiction competitions page.
But there's more to flash fiction than just our challenge.
I know there are numerous online magazines that publish flash fiction.
I especially love the part about how flash fiction utilizes negative space and hints at what isn't there.
One thing we've learned from the Wideman flash fiction contest: There are many talented writers out tThere are many talented writers out therethere.
JM: One thing I like most about flash fiction is there really are no rules per se.
I am an aspiring author and have not had anything published, as yet, although there are a number of my short stories and flash fiction pieces on the web.
RV: I think there is a bending of «rules» in flash fiction, and it's a fine line between what works and what might fail.
So there is a group of us, from Forward Motion who are part of a Flash Fiction Friday thingy over here.
There are three submission categories: 1) short stories of any genre ranging from 1,000 to 7,500 words, 2) flash fiction with a word limit of either 55, 250, or 500 words, and 3...
There are three submission categories: 1) short stories of any genre ranging from 1,000 to 7,500 words, 2) flash fiction with a word limit of either 55, 250, or 500 words, and 3) poetry no longer than three pages.
Kat Evangalista is hosting a 24 days guest - post-giveaway-extravaganza, and today I'm over there with a bit of flash fiction I wrote.
You offer some structural guidelines in the Flash Fiction course, and there are dozens of resources on novel structure.
There are flash fiction and short story markets that might be exactly your niche.
I am sure there were, and are, other flash fiction sites based on a specific word count.
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