Sentences with phrase «flash of inspiration»

Puppy names come to us in flashes of inspiration and often seem to be chosen by the pet herself.
The occasional flashes of inspiration can't quite save something so inherently pointless from itself.
The film does occasionally show flashes of inspiration, particularly during its emotionally effective first act, and the animation is undeniably lovely in parts.
Hip - hop wouldn't exist without his early flashes of inspiration.
The big initial flash of inspiration that gets the ball rolling.
We see this in a work like «Sun House on the Hill» (1943), where moments of hesitation are then punctuated with flashes of inspiration.
He persevered all the same, reportedly calling for a notebook on his deathbed in the hope that a final flash of inspiration might complete the project of his last thirty years.
Attentive to the accidental encounters that can inspire an image, he recreates flashes of inspiration obtained from sources as varied as personal recollections to something noticed on the street, to daydreams, and encounters with paintings or photographs.
Freed from the daily stresses of my working life, I find that I am more likely to have new insights into old problems and other flashes of inspiration.
Jerry Maguire is a sports agent who, in a late - night flash of inspiration — the kind you regret the next morning — told his bosses that their company needed to change its focus from profits to personal service.
There are flashes of inspiration here, such as when Will starts tossing hubcaps into the gale - force winds to fend off some attackers, and a couple of sequences that are so over-the-top that it almost seems as if the movie suddenly has come to its senses.
And yes, I get those «brilliant» flashes of inspiration at 3AM as well!
by Laura West It never fails that brilliant idea, the sudden flash of inspiration or the perfect solution comes you when you are doing something else.
Flashes of inspiration wrapped in a stark, gripping visual style aren't enough to carry the game.
It is called ILLUMInations, and is all about flashes of inspiration and insight — apparently.
Attentive to the accidental encounters that can inspire an image, photographer Jeff Wall recreates flashes of inspiration by building sets and repeatedly photographing gestures until they coalesce into a picture that's printed on a grand scale.
Aim for strong hues to punctuate the scheme — a cast - iron bath in a bright colour is the final flash of inspiration.
Research does suggest that some of the best ideas are ones that come from a flash of inspiration, usually randomly, and usually alone.
In other words, sit around waiting for all your creative problems to be solved in one flash of inspiration and you'll be sitting around forever.
Finally, even with the right mindset and digital tools, creative ideas for entrepreneurs still don't usually occur spontaneously, or come in a flash of inspiration.
It took him over 15 years to write The Lord of the Rings saga, but he was also prone to flashes of inspiration.
Around 4 pm one Sunday in October, after a very busy day, I couldn't face the thought of making dinner, plus a batch of soup for the week, so in a flash of inspiration, I asked my husband «Do you mind if we just have soup for dinner tonight?
So in another flash of inspiration, Dad figured that if thumbless mittens worked in the car, why not on the course?
Good substitutions can be strokes of genius, can be flashes of inspiration, can be the result of long and careful planning.
Usually they either show up in a flash of inspiration, or I finally notice them lurking in every corner of my life.
Mindful that mussels produce a protein with a unique amino acid composition, and with a flash of inspiration from the tofu he was eating for lunch, he converted soy protein into a similarly effective adhesive.
We have all had similar — although probably less lucrative — «aha» moments, where a flash of inspiration comes along out of the blue.
His discoveries and contributions to chemistry were born of logic and perspiration rather than flashes of inspiration.
Morgan had a flash of inspiration: rather than continue to bombard the world with pictures of tusks and animal carcasses, essentially information about what is already lost, he decided to remind us of what we still have, in the hope that we'll feel more compelled to protect it.
These flashes of inspiration are another way some people tell me that they see their intuitive life unfolding.
You'll suddenly get a flash of inspiration to do something or create something.
She dreams of more than managing the accounts of her dads auto shop, and has a flash of inspiration while staring at her bleeding hands after hand - wringing the mop shes used to clean up a shattered glass of red wine.
There are flashes of inspiration in Morgan that ultimately just make its somewhat generic action thriller finale more disappointing.
The movie has its moments and flashes of inspiration, but Guest and his cast have problems maintaining the level of believability.
While there, Quaid has a flash of inspiration when the operator mentions a spy scenario.
Year after year, the most original cinematic work emerges in these fleeting, yet no less intense, flashes of inspiration.
Those flashes of inspiration illuminating both character and plot, she explained, provide «a sense of the overall thing.
She had a flash of inspiration and decided that a fitting song was needed to celebrate the occasion.
Or, How to Use Your Ebooks as Your Best Marketing Platform Last month I came up with a flash of inspiration: a way to use ebooks to market themselves.
Some writers have flashes of inspiration, blinding literary thunderbolts which hit them with undeniable force: they know at once that this is a book that must be written.
The name of your kitten comes in a flash of inspiration.
There's a Brainstorming Box page and a Flashes of Inspiration page, which also has a box for capturing your own travel writing prompts.
She must have seen the flash of inspiration in my eyes, because she suggested I get in touch with Michael, who would surely still like to have me along.
This workbook also includes two pages to capture ideas and flashes of inspiration that come to you during your freewriting session.
I started this one with a flash of inspiration that came as I reached the second day of my interviews at the 2017 edition of E3.
That idea came to me in a flash of inspiration, but that's an exception for me.
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