Sentences with phrase «flash stories»

A terrific cast and compelling script are the highlights of this anime - style adaptation of a classic Flash story.
One such writer is Italo Calvino, who wrote his novel, Invisible Cities, with flash stories that are one or two pages long.
The San Diego Union was already on the streets announcing the retirement of the great pitcher, and the wire services had flashed the story coast to coast.
It starts of with a swift Flash story.
While their word count range is 100 to 1,500 words, they're especially eager to get flash fiction series (several flash stories based around a central theme), science fiction, fantasy, and slipstream.
Flash Fiction Online allows for slightly longer flash stories — between 500 and 1,000 words.
So today, I've got a challenge for you (I like a good challenge): write a flash story before the clock strikes midnight.
I know at least one of you wrote a flash story, because Laura posted hers into the comment section (huzzah!).
176 of these flash stories are collected in this anthology in memoriam of Harry Moseley.
A flash story should start with a compelling scene and keep going.
I saw one website that recommended writing an outline for each flash story.
I'm sure he's correct for the flash stories, but lately I have been upset at the lack of them in books, even those by Lee Child, my favorite author.
Olga, have fun with that flash story!
Categories: poetry, flash story, creative nonfiction, literary fiction.
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